Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Reporting and Analytics GCP-GC-REP exam dumps are available, which are valuable for you to study for the test. The Genesys GCP-GC-REP exam is intended for Supervisors, Contact Center Managers, Business Analysts, and Project Managers who needs to use Genesys Cloud Reporting and Analytics from a business user perspective. To prepare for Genesys GCP-GC-REP exam, the related GCP-GC-REP exam information is helpful in the preparation.

Genesys GCP-GC-REP Exam
Genesys GCP-GC-REP exam validates the candidates understanding of how to work with setup and running reports about interaction, agent and contact center metrics as well as monitor the real-time activity for the contact center, including service level, ASA, and the number of customers interacting and waiting.
Number of questions: 35
Duration: 120 minutes
Passing score: 65%
Type of questions: Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, True/ False, and Matching Questions
Language: English
GCP-GC-REP Genesys Exam Objectives
GCP-GC-REP Genesys Certification exam objectives cover the following details.
Introduction to Reporting and Analytics
Reports Overview
Analytics Overview
Genesys Cloud Reports
Explain Agent Reports
Explain Queue Reports
Explain Outbound Reports
Dialer Campaign Success Results by Interval report
Dialer Campaign Success Results by Day report
Dialer Campaign Detailed Attempt History report
Explain Other Reports
Interaction Details Report
User Status Detail Report
Working with Reports and Troubleshooting
Configure a report
Run a report
Download a report
Edit, Copy, and Delete a Report
View an example of a report
View report history
Troubleshooting reports
Overview of reporting best practices
Dynamic Views
Use Performance Dashboards
Queues views overview
Explain My Queues Activity view
Explain Queues Activity Detail view
Explain Queues Performance Summary view
Explain Agent Performance views
Explain Interaction view
Explain Skills Performance view
Managing your team through presence and status
Practice Genesys GCP-GC-REP Exam Dumps Questions
Genesys certification GCP-GC-REP exam dumps questions are the best material for you to study the above Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Reporting and Analytics GCP-GC-REP exam objectives. Share some Genesys GCP-GC-REP exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.Which of the following are available report file formats for export? (Choose three)
A. .docx
B. .xlsx
C. .xls
D. .pdf
E. .doc
F. .txt
Answer: CDE
2.Which definition matches the performance view for Dashboard?
A. It is used to monitor real-time contact center metrics.
B. It is used to view historical data only.
C. It is used to view metrics for completed phone calls and chats, such as the user, remote telephone number, date/time, and duration.
D. It is used to view real-time metrics, such as status, time in status, calls answeres, average talk time, and average ACW.
E. It is used to view real-time and historical metrics, such as service level %, abandon %, customers waiting, and active agents.
Answer: D
3. Select the possible factors which increase the report runtime and failures. (Choose two.)
A. Run reports during peak hours.
B. Adjust report parameters so that report includes fewer agents, queues, and interactions.
C. Ask every team member to run and save a copy of the report.
D. Review and ensure the usage of scheduled reports.
Answer: AD
4. Sam wants to insatall the reporting app on his iPAD for accessing the metrics. Help him by choosing the right one.
A. Genesys Cloud Admin
B. Genesys Cloud Reporting
C. Genesys Cloud User
D. Genesys Cloud Supervisor
Answer: B