Fail the exam? Full refund! guarantees that you can pass your exams easily. However, since the time our operations started we have never seen people report failure in the exam after using our products. With this feedback we can assure you of the benefits that you will get from our products and the high probability of clearing the exam.
We still understand the effort, time, and money you will invest in preparing for your certification exam, which makes failure in the exam really painful and disappointing. Although we cannot reduce your pain and disappointment but we can certainly share with you the financial loss.
This means that if due to any reason caused by our products you are not able to pass exam, we will reimburse the full amount you spent on our products. Just send your score report to our email then we will proceed the full refund immediately during our working time.
Please kindly note the following items.
1. If you fail test in ONE week from the date you purchase, we will not refund the full payment fee. Because one week is not enough for you study all the questions and answers well.
2. After you purchase the products from us, please take the test in ONE MONTH. If you fail the test in one month from the date of purchasing, we will refund full payment fee to you after you send the score report to us via email in 1 working day. If you fail the test out of the one month, you can only wait an update of the products you purchase in one year , we will NOT refund full payment fee.
3. If you purchase two exams or more in one order from us, and if you fail one of them, we will only refund the payment fee of the failed test. (for example, if you purchase 70-740, 70-741 and 70-742 exams from us, and you fail 70-742 exam, we will only refund the payment fee of 70-742 exam to you. )
4. If your friend or other related people fail the test with the product you purchase, we will NOT refund full payment fee. Only yourself fail the test, we will refund full payment fee to you after you send the score report to us via email in 1 working day.
5. Our software version is free, so if there is some problem with the software version, we will not refund.
6. The refund policy is not applicable to some special vendors (such as Microsoft, Huawei, DELL EMC, HP, Salesforce, VMware and Fortinet), because these vendors change their exams questions frequently. If you fail these vendors exams, you can choose to get the update or change another two exams for free.
Please note: if you fail the test, please send the score report to us in ONE WEEK.