We all know that Genesys offers different levels of certifications such as Associate, Professional, and Consultant across various Genesys product platforms. Genesys Cloud Certified Professional certification is popular among those Genesys candidates. We have cracked the latest exam dumps for all Genesys Cloud Certified Professional certification required exams. To earn Genesys Cloud Certified Professional certification, you need to pass the following three required tests.

1. GCP-GC-ADM Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Contact Center Administration
GCP-GC-ADM exam is intended for system administrators, contact center managers, project managers, and supervisors to help them monitor and administer the contact center. The Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Contact Center Administration GCP-GC-ADM exam assesses your knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts and major components associated with the Genesys Cloud platform's contact center feature.
Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Contact Center Administration GCP-GC-ADM exam includes the following objectives.
Basic overview of the Genesys Cloud Platform and Administration
Configure Automatic Call Distribution to optimize customer service
Supervisor Tools
Roles, Permissions, and Divisions
Purpose and capabilities of Genesys Cloud Architect
Scripting in a contact center
Genesys Cloud Outbound Dialing
Quality Management in a Genesys Cloud contact center
Workforce Management in a Genesys Cloud contact center
2. GCP-GC-IMP Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Implementation
GCP-GC-IMP exam is intended for System Administrators and Technical Operators to help them through the process of configuring the required components when deploying a new Genesys Cloud environment. The Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Implementation GCP-GC-IMP exam is designed to assess your knowledge in the Genesys Cloud environment, which describes the components that need to be configured when creating a new contact center.
Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Implementation GCP-GC-IMP exam includes the following objectives.
Overview of Genesys Cloud Platform
Introduction to Genesys Cloud Collaborate
Configurations of Genesys Cloud Collaborate
Features and Configurations of Genesys Cloud Communicate
3. GCP-GC-REP Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Reporting and Analytics
GCP-GC-REP exam is intended for Supervisors, Contact Center Managers, Business Analysts, and Project Managers who needs to use Genesys Cloud Reporting and Analytics from a business user perspective. The Genesys Cloud Certified Professiona-Reporting and Analytics GCP-GC-REP exam tests your skills at metrics and data about a contact center through reports and Dashboards. Besides, GCP-GC-REP exam assesses the reporting skills to choose the needs that help you visualize the contact center's performance.
Genesys Cloud Certified Professional-Reporting and Analytics GCP-GC-REP exam includes the following objectives.
Introduction to Reporting and Analytics
Genesys Cloud Reports
Working with Reports and Troubleshooting
Dynamic Views
Genesys Cloud Certified Professional Exams Basic Information
Type of exam: Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, True/ False, and Matching Questions
Number of questions: 50
Duration: 120 minutes
Language: English
Passing score: 65%
Note: Genesys Cloud Certified Professional certification is valid for two years. Before your GCP-GC certification retires, you can take the Genesys Cloud Certified Professional Recertification Exam (GCP-GC-R) to renew your GCP-GC certification. GCP-GC Recertification is one exam only and not three separate exams.