Adobe Certified Instructor for Creative Cloud Video Editing Solutions AD0-C102 exam dumps have been cracked, which are valuable for you to prepare this Adobe AD0-C102 exam. To take Adobe certification AD0-C102 exam, you should have a minimum of 5 years experience using Creative Cloud video apps and services, primarily Adobe Premiere Pro. To prepare this Adobe Creative Cloud AD0-C102 exam well, the related AD0-C102 Adobe Certified Instructor for Creative Cloud Video Editing Solutions exam information is valuable for you to study the test.

Adobe Creative Cloud AD0-C102 Exam
Adobe Creative Cloud AD0-C102 exam information is helpful for you to study the test.
Certificate level: Certified Instructor
Status: Active
Available languages: English
Number of questions: 60
Formats: Multiple choice and multiple select
Duration: 120 minutes
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
Passing mark: 65% or 39/60
Price: $180 USD
Adobe Certification AD0-C102 Exam Objectives and Scope
Adobe certification AD0-EC102 exam objectives and scope are shown below. I collected the following details from Adobe official website.
Section 1: Configuration 20%
Given a scenario, identify locations of media cache files, apps, downloads, and supporting files
Given a scenario, configure a new project
Given a scenario, import and relink media
Given a scenario, describe how to use and modify sequence, clip, and export timecodes
Given a scenario, describe how to customize settings for a Sequence
Given a scenario, add or remove sequence tracks and configure timeline panel settings
Given a scenario, create a custom workspace
Given a scenario, adjust user preferences
Section 2: Editing 30%
Given a scenario, review source
Given a scenario, choose the type of edit to perform
Given a scenario, trim clips
Given a scenario, nest a sequence into another
Given a scenario, describe multi-cam workflow
Given a scenario, record a voiceover
Section 3: Effects 20%
Given a scenario, add, remove or modify transitions or effects
Given a scenario, add, remove, and modify keyframes
Given a scenario, describe how to use the Essential Graphics panel to create and modify graphics and motion graphics templates, MOGRTs
Given a scenario, create, add or modify sequence captions
Given a scenario, use Essential Sound Panel and manual audio adjustments
Given a scenario, use the Lumetri Color Panel to adjust the appearance of clips
Given a scenario, describe how to work with clips with alpha channels
Section 4: Workflow 30%
Identify the relationship between the project file and media associated with the project
Given a scenario, organize a project and work with multiple projects
Given a scenario, configure metadata
Given a scenario, manage multi-format projects
Given a scenario, export a media file
Given a scenario, work with integrated Adobe apps and services
Given a scenario, collaborate
Practice Adobe AD0-C102 Exam Dumps Questions
Latest Adobe certification AD0-C102 exam dumps questions can help you test all the above objectives. There are 60 Q&As in the new cracked Adobe Certified Instructor for Creative Cloud Video Editing Solutions AD0-C102 exam dumps. After studying Adobe AD0-C102 exam dumps questions and answers, you can pass the AD0-C102 exam in the first attempt.
1.How can you adjust the brightness of the user interface?
A. Open the Appearance section of the Preferences and adjust the Brightness control.
B. In the Project panel menu, choose Display > Preferences and adjust the Brightness control.
C. Open the Control Surface section of the Preferences and adjust the Brightness control.
D. Choose View > Configure > Adjust Brightness and adjust the Brightness control.
Answer: C
2.You shot an interview with two separate cameras, and you notice that the colors of the two cameras do not match. How can you view both clips at the same time to make a comparison?
A. Choose Comparison View in the Program Monitor panel.
B. Choose Sequence > Reverse Match frame.
C. Choose Sequence > Color Comparison View.
D. Choose Clip > Video Options > Match Frame.
Answer: B
3.You want to create a custom shortcut to give clips on the Timeline a specific label color. How do you accomplish this?
A. Right click a clip on the timeline and select Label Color > Assign Shortcut.
B. Open the Keyboard Shortcuts > label Colors. Assign shortcut.
C. Open the Keyboard Shortcuts. Assign shortcut
D. Navigate to Sequence > Clip Label Color. Assign shortcut
Answer: D
4.You are working on a mixed media project. What is the most important parameter when setting up a new sequence?
A. The codec of the edited film you intend to deliver.
B. The overall length of the longest clip you will work with.
C. The aspect ratio of each clip you will work with.
D. The correct frame rate for the delivery specifications.
Answer: B
5.You want to burn-in Timecode display m a draft video that you want to deliver to a client. What is a way to achieve this?
A. Choose Sequence > Display Timecode.
B. Choose Clip > Display Timecode.
C. During export, enable Timecode Overlay.
D. Add the Timecode effect to the Sequence,
Answer: D