News from Adobe official website, a new Expert certification for Adobe Customer Journey Analytics is available, the exam code is AD0-E604. If you have been using Customer Journey Analytics for 1-3 years, this new certification is a good opportunity for you to verify the knowledge. Adobe Developer Expert certification for Customer Journey Analytics is intended for technical data practitioners who have foundational knowledge of Customer Journey Analytics and the skills needed for its implementation.

What is Adobe Customer Journey Analytics?
Adobe Customer Journey Analytics is a platform that allows businesses to track and analyze customer interactions across various touchpoints and channels, such as social media, email, websites, and mobile apps. It uses data collected from Adobe Experience Platform to provide insights into the customer journey and allows businesses to optimize their marketing strategies based on this information. With Adobe Customer Journey Analytics, businesses can create custom reports and dashboards to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and gain insights into customer behavior.
Adobe Customer Journey Analytics Expert Minimum Experience
To be Adobe Customer Journey Analytics Expert qualified, you need to have 12-24 months of experience in Adobe Customer Journey Analytics and be proficient in the following tasks:
Comprehending XDM schema (classes)
Demonstrating familiarity with the platform interface
Validating data using the query service and viewing it in a dataset
Understanding the necessary Admin permissions for various access levels
Comprehending a QA script
Defining a QC script to hand off to an AEP engineer
Configuring connections with primary identities (person ID)
Configuring connections with multiple datasets
Configuring a data view (Metric/dimension configuration)
Configuring CJA
Transforming data within the dimensions and metrics
Analyzing Workspace basics (visualizations, attribution settings, filters, calculated metrics)
Understanding data governance in CJA (DULE)
Building across-channel metrics or people-based filters
Distinguishing and understanding sandboxes in AEP
Understanding audience publishing (sharing)
Adobe AD0-E604 Exam Details
Adobe certification AD0-E604 exam details are available below.
Time: 100 mins
Passing Score: 33/50
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
Available languages: English
Cost: $225 (global)/$150 (India)
Adobe Customer Journey Analytics AD0-E604 Exam Objectives
Section 1: Connections (22%)
Design connections in CJA with appropriate settings.
Create connections in CJA from XDM data sets available in AEP, by sandbox.
Section 2: Data Views (30%)
Configure data views for reporting and analysis purposes.
Modify components within data views as necessary.
Section 3: Data Validation and Troubleshooting (34%)
Ensure that data is accurately and completely populating.
Troubleshoot connections and data views as needed.
Build or troubleshoot components.
Monitor usage to ensure licensing compliance.
Section 4: Reporting and Activation (14%)
Use Analysis Workspace to showcase cross-channel customer journeys with appropriate visualizations.
Send CJA Filter members to an RTCDP Audience.
Create filters across datasets as needed.
Adobe Customer Journey Analytics Expert Value
Adobe Customer Journey Analytics Experts are highly skilled professionals with a deep understanding of Customer Journey Analytics, its features, and its capabilities. The value of having an Adobe Customer Journey Analytics expert lies in their ability to help businesses make data-driven decisions that can improve customer engagement, retention, and loyalty, ultimately driving growth and revenue.