Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner Professional AD0-E712 exam is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of individuals working with Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce platforms. To take Adobe certification AD0-E712 exam, you need to have a minimum of 0-12 months of hands-on experience with Magento Open Source version 2.4.3. Additionally, it is expected that candidates have a basic understanding of Adobe Commerce version 2.4.3. The following Adobe AD0-E712 exam information is valuable for you to prepare for the test.

Adobe AD0-E712 Exam Basic Information
Adobe certification AD0-E712 exam basic information is available for you toLevel: Professional (0-12 months' experience)
Passing Score: 30/50
Time: 100 mins
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
Available languages: English
Cost: $125 (global)/$95 (India) study all the related topics.
AD0-E712 Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner Professional Exam Topics
AD0-E712 Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner Professional exam topics cover the following details.
1.Magento Open Source Core Features (49%): This section covers the identification and understanding of Magento Open Source features, including catalog management, pricing manipulation, customer journey, order lifecycle, store maintenance tasks, and content elements.
2.Adobe Commerce Basics (14%): This section focuses on identifying key features available in Adobe Commerce, recognizing service add-ons, and understanding hosting options for Adobe Commerce.
3.Digital Marketing and eCommerce Fundamentals (24%): This section assesses knowledge related to digital marketing tools (such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, email marketing, segmentation, and social plugins), basic principles of SEO, eCommerce tools (e.g., shopping feeds), eCommerce website features, and fundamental eCommerce concepts.
4.Compliance/Security Basics (13%): This section covers the basics of compliance for privacy laws and payment security, understanding common security aspects of an Adobe Commerce project, and identifying best practices and legal requirements of accessibility compliance.
Practice Adobe Commerce AD0-E712 Exam Questions
Adobe Commerce AD0-E712 exam questions are the best material for you to study the above Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner Professional topics. It's important to note that the AD0-E712 exam is designed for professionals with relatively limited experience in working with Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce. The Adobe AD0-E712 exam aims to assess foundational knowledge and skills in these platforms. Candidates with more extensive experience may be better suited for higher-level certification exams.
While specific experience requirements are mentioned, it is essential for candidates to have a basic understanding of the eCommerce experience, as well as familiarity with various concepts related to digital marketing, eCommerce terminology, pricing and promotion, customer purchase journey, order life cycle, Magento Marketplace and third-party extensions, and security and compliance.