AD0-E711 Adobe Commerce Developer Professional exam is the new replacement test of AD0-E702 for Adobe Commerce Developer Professional Certification. Adobe AD0-E711 exam is for a developer who is beginning their career as a Magento Developer. Adobe AD0-E711 exam is for a Magento developer who has learned the Magento framework at the basic level covered by the Magento 2 Development Essentials training. The other Adobe AD0-E711 exam information is also important in your preparation.

Adobe Certification AD0-E711 Exam
To take Adobe AD0-E711 exam, candidates should have experience with PHP, MySQL, Apache/Nginx, and Linux.
Available languages: English
Number of questions: 60
Formats: Multiple choice
Duration: 120 minutes
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access)
Passing mark: 39/60
Price: $225 USD / $150 USD (India only)
AD0-E711 Adobe Commerce Developer Professional Exam Objectives
Adobe AD0-E711 exam objectives cover the following Adobe Commerce Developer Professional details.
Section 1: Working with Admin
Section 2: Architecture
Section 3: EAV/Database
Section 4: Layout/UI
Section 5: Checkout and Sales
Section 6: Catalog
Practice Adobe Certification AD0-E711 Exam Dumps
Adobe Certification AD0-E711 exam dumps are helpful for you to study Adobe Commerce Developer Professional objectives. Share some Adobe AD0-E711 exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.A merchant gives you the module MyCompany_MyModule to install. How do you identify which REST endpoints are supported by the module?
A. REST endpoints are declared in etc/webapi_rest/di.xml
B. Every public method of every interface in the Api folder automatically is exposed as a REST endpoint
C. REST endpoints are declared in etc/rest.xml
D. REST endpoints are declared in etc/webapi.xml
Answer: D
2.Magento allows you to specify custom values per store for product attributes created in the admin panel. Which architectural pattern makes it possible?
A. Store Manager
B. Extension Attribute
C. Entity Attribute Value
D. Dependency Injection
Answer: C
3.How do you add a new link into the My Account sidebar?
A. By creating a new UI component
B. By creating a child of the My Account UI component
C. By adding the new section into the customer_account table in the database
D. By using a layout update
Answer: D
4.A Magento industry partner shipping provider has tasked you to build their integration module called MyCompany_ShippingProvider. Where do you define the class that provides options for the select field that enables or disables the provider in the file etc/adminhtml/system.xml?
A. <option_model>Magento\Config\Model\Config\Option\Yesno</option_model>
B. <source_model>Magento\Config\Model\Config\Source\Yesno</source_model>
C. <frontend_model>Magento\Config\Model\Config\Frontend\Yesno</frontend_model>
D. <backend_model>Magento\Config\Model\Config\Backend\Yesno</backend_model>
Answer: B
5.A client has asked you to include category url keys in product URLs. How is this done?
A. Create an observer for controller_action_postdispatch_catalog_product_view
B. This is not possible because products can belong to multiple categories
C. Set the configuration value of catalog/seo/product_use_categories to Yes
D. Create an after plugin on \Magento\UrlRewrite\Controller\Router::generateRewrite
Answer: C