Certified Implementation Specialist-Risk and Compliance CIS-RCI exam is one test certifies that a successful candidate has the skills and essential knowledge to contribute to the configuration, implementation, and maintenance of ServiceNow Risk, Policy and Compliance, and Audit Management applications. To prove you have the above skills, you need to pass ServiceNow CIS-RCI exam. What is the best way to pass ServiceNow certification CIS-RCI exam?

Learn ServiceNow CIS-RCI Exam Audience
The Certified Implementation Specialist–Risk and Compliance CIS-RCI exam is available to ServiceNow customers, partners, employees, and others interested in becoming a ServiceNow Risk and Compliance Implementer.
Read ServiceNow CIS-RCI Exam Details
ServiceNow CIS-RCI exam consists of approximately 45 questions. The questions formats are Multiple Choice (single answer) and Multiple Select (select all that apply).After completing and submitting the CIS-RCI exam, a pass or fail result is immediately calculated and displayed to the candidate. If a candidate fails to pass CIS-RCI exam, they may register to take the exam again up to three more times at a cost.
Master ServiceNow CIS-RCI Exam Scope
ServiceNow certification CIS-RCI exam learning domains and weightings are showed below.
GRC Overview 10%
Implementation Planning 5%
Entity Scoping 25%
Policy and Compliance Implementation Approach 25%
Risk Implementation Approach 25%
Extended Capabilities 5%
Audit Management Implementation 5%
Practice ServiceNow CIS-RCI Exam Dumps
With Certified Implementation Specialist-Risk and Compliance CIS-RCI exam dumps, it will be easy for you to pass CIS-RCI exam. Share some ServiceNow certification CIS-RCI exam dumps questions below.
1.Which of the following are scoped applications in GRC? (Select all that apply)
A. GRC Profiles
B. Risk
C. Compliance and Audit Management
D. Global
Answer: A, B
2.Who should be on the core implementation team for a GRC implementation? (Select all that apply)
A. Platform experts
B. Internal audit
C. External audit
D. Risk Assessor
Answer: A, B
3.The Entity Filter record requires which mandatory field to be completed?
A. Filter date
B. Filter name
C. Conditions
D. Table
Answer: D
4.Which of the following are tables in the Policy and Compliance scope? (Select all that apply)
A. Issue
B. Control
C. Risk
D. Citation
Answer: B, D
5.Which of the following are tables in the Risk scope? (Select all that apply)
A. Issue
B. Risk Framework
C. Risk Statement
D. Citation
Answer: B, C
Register CIS-RCI Exam and Pass
Each candidate must register for the CIS-RCI exam via the ServiceNow Webassessor website using a voucher obtained by completing the Risk and Compliance Implementation training prerequisite. During the registration process, each test taker has the option of taking the CIS-RCI exam at an Authorized Testing Center or as an online-proctored exam. Studying our ServiceNow certification CIS-RCI exam dumps questions, you can pass CIS-RCI exam easily.