Nokia NSP IP Network Automation Professional Composite Exam 4A0-AI1 test is designed to test the proficiency of candidates in various areas related to IP network automation using Nokia Service Router (SR) platforms and Nokia Network Services Platform (NSP). We all know that 4A0-AI1 exam is a certification exam offered by Nokia to validate the skills and knowledge of professionals in the field of IP network automation. Nokia Certification 4A0-AI1 exam information is available below for you to study.

Nokia Certification 4A0-AI1 Exam Overview
Nokia Certification 4A0-AI1 exam basic information is available below.
Number of questions: 80
Exam appointment duration: 140 minutes. This is the exam duration plus a 20-minute introductory survey.
Exam duration: 120 Minutes
Language: English
Price: $125 US
4A0-AI1 Nokia NSP IP Network Automation Professional Composite Exam Topics
4A0-AI1 Nokia NSP IP Network Automation Professional Composite Exam covers topics such as network automation concepts, network management protocols, scripting and programming, virtualization, cloud networking, and SDN (Software-Defined Networking) technologies.
1.IP Network Automation Concepts: This section assesses candidates' understanding of network automation principles, architecture, and best practices. It includes topics like network programmability, automation frameworks, REST APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), YANG modeling, and NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol).
2.Network Management Protocols: This section focuses on protocols and tools used for network management and automation. Candidates are expected to have knowledge of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), SYSLOG, NETCONF, and RESTCONF (RESTful Network Configuration Protocol).
3.Scripting and Programming: This section tests candidates' skills in scripting and programming languages used for network automation. It covers languages like Python, Perl, and Tcl, and evaluates their ability to write scripts for tasks such as network configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
4.Virtualization and Cloud Networking: This section explores virtualization technologies and their role in network automation. Topics include virtual machine management, hypervisors, virtual switches, orchestration frameworks like OpenStack, and integration of virtualized network functions.
5.SDN and Network Automation: This section covers SDN concepts and how they relate to network automation. It includes topics like OpenFlow, SDN controllers, network slicing, service chaining, and the integration of SDN with traditional IP networks.
Practice Nokia 4A0-AI1 Exam Dumps
The latest Nokia 4A0-AI1 exam dumps are the best material for you to study all the above topics. Share some Nokia NSP IP Network Automation Professional Composite Exam 4A0-AI1 dumps questions below.
1.Which of the following timing attributes will halt the entire workflow and require user intervention to proceed?
A. wait-before
B. wait-after
C. timeout
D. pause-before
Answer: D
2.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Intent-based networking?
A. Abstraction
B. Virtualization
C. Automation
D. Persistence
Answer: B
3.Which of the following statements about the NSP Kafka service is FALSE?
A. It allows an API client to receive event or alarm notifications.
B. It allows an API client to subscribe to different event types.
C. It is a distributed messaging system.
D. It uses NETCONF based operations and YANG models.
Answer: D
4.Which of the following allows the Intent Manger to communicate with network elements being managed by SNMP?
A. NSP mediator
B. MDC mediator
C. NFM-P mediator
D. Generic mediator
Answer: D
5.Which of the following statements about the NSP Workflow Manager (WFM) application is FALSE?
A. It allows network management tasks to be automated.
B. Only one workflow can be executed at one time.
C. Actions and expressions are extensible using Python.
D. A workflow action can run against RESTCONF APIs.
Answer: B