Nokia Bell Labs 5G Foundation BL0-100 exam dumps questions have been cracked, which are helpful for you to study this Nokia BL0-100 exam and get certified. Nokia Bell Labs has launched its 5G certification program for those seeking broad knowledge and professional standing on this exciting technology. Nokia Bell Labs 5G Certification is a value-add for anyone interested in enhancing their understanding of 5G. Learn the related Nokia certification BL0-100 exam information below.

Nokia Bell Labs 5G Foundation BL0-100 Exam
Number of questions: 40
Cost: €125 based on exam delivery in Europe & North America.
Questions format: Multiple choice
Retake policy: Students are eligible to re-take Bell Labs 5G written exams at any time even if they have failed. You will have to pay the Exam Fee to Pearson Vue for each attempt.
Recertify: Pass the Certification Exams again in order to re-certify.
Test Center: Pearson VUE
Nokia Certification BL0-100 Learning Objectives
Nokia Certification BL0-100 learning objectives cover the following sections.
Unit 1: The 5G Imperative
Unit 2: Foundation of 5G Networking
Unit 3: Foundation of Distributed Cloud
Unit 4: Foundation of Network Slicing
Unit 5: Foundation of Security
Unit 6: Foundation of Industrial Automation
Practice Nokia Bell Labs 5G Foundation BL0-100 Exam Dumps Questions
Nokia Bell Labs 5G Foundation BL0-100 exam dumps questions are the latest version in the whole market, which can help you study the above BL0-100 exam learning objectives. Share some Nokia certification BL0-100 exam dumps questions and answers below.
1. What is the role of 5G in meeting the automation needs of Industry 4.0?
A. 5G requirements for Industry 4.0 are mainly focused on Ultra high bandwidth needs.
B. 5G plays an important role on Industry 4.0 because it enables the cloud automation with baremetal platforms.
C. 5G plays a minor role on Industry 4.0 because the requirements are mainly focused on mMTC and IoT.
D. 5G requirements for Industry 4.0 are mainly focused on ultra low latency characteristics but also from high throughput and massive connectivity.
Answer: D
2.Which of the following best defines what is meant by Network Slice isolation?
A. Security + Cloud isolation
B. Resource + Security isolation
C. Transport + Cloud isolation
D. Resource + Traffic isolation
Answer: B
3.Which of the following defines a vertical Network Slice?
A. When it operates on the same layer of the ISO/OSI model.
B. When it cross all the network layers from the radio up to the core.
C. When it serves a given customer for a specific purpose, such as a national energy network.
D. When it serves a given common purpose, for a use case with a defined QoS (eg a use case in transportation, in energy).
Answer: C
4.What is the Unstructured Data Storage Function (UDSF)?
A. This network function exposes 5G Core Network functionalities available to 3rd parties, so that 3rd party capabilities and events may be securely exposed by the Network Exposure Function (NEF).
B. This network function is part of data repositories in the Common Data Layer. It stores 3GPP standardized data.
C. This network function is part of data repositories in the Common Data Layer and in opposition to
the UDR, it stores non-standardized – Unstructured – data.
D. This network function stores or retrieves subscriptions, profiles, and authentication data to or from the data repositories. It offers services to the AMF, SMF, NEF and AUSF using the Service Based Interface.
Answer: A
5.Which of the following is not a part of an E2E Network Slice?
A. Cloud Slice
B. Core Slice
C. Access Slice
D. Transport Slice
Answer: A