New HCIP-Transmission V2.0 H31-341(H31-341-ENU) exam dumps have been cracked, which are helpful in your preparation. Recently, many candidates came to our website to ask about the differences between H31-341 and H31-341-ENU exams. ENU is the suffix we plus to distinguish the language on our website. H31-341 exam is in Chinese, and H31-341-ENU exam is in English.
To prepare H31-341(H31-341-ENU) exam well, apart from the exam information on Huawei official website, you also need to practice our new cracked H31-341(H31-341-ENU) exam dumps. Let me show you the official information which I collected from Huawei official website.
There are 143 Q&As in our H31-341(H31-341-ENU) exam dumps, which can help you test all the above exam content. Share some of our H31-341(H31-341-ENU) exam dumps questions below for you to study and prepare H31-341(H31-341-ENU) exam.
1.Which of the following description of the process for optimizing the line attenuation compensation anomaly is correct? (Multiple choice)
A. According to the user adjustment command, adjust the line attenuation of the OCh path to make the downstream light output reach the normal value.
B. The SCC board at the downstream site of the fault reports the alarm to the power detection unit (OA) of the first node through DCN communication, and reports the alarm to the SOM on the SC of the first node.
C. After receiving the alarm, the SOM obtains the OCh path corresponding to the alarm and adds it to the management path to be optimized.
D. The downstream power detection unit (OA) detects that the line attenuation deviation exceeds the threshold and reports the alarm to its own SCC board.
Answer: ACD
2.Which of the following scenarios does the meter test apply to? (Multiple choice)
A. Exclude external issues with the transport device
B. Equipment docking problem
C. Locate the faulty board
D. Equipment performance indicator problem
Answer: ABD
With full version of H31-341(H31-341-ENU) exam dumps, you can pass the test easily and earn HCIP-Transmission V2.0 certification.