If you want to get the HCNP-R&S certification, then you have to pass these three Huawei exams H12-221, H12-222 and H12-223. HCNP-R&S certification validates the knowledge and skills required to construct and manage small and medium-sized networks.
Huawei upgrade their HCNP-R&S certification last month. What they updated is not only the knowledge points but also the real exam questions. Several customers failed the exams last month and this proved the exam questions are changed! Let's see the differences:
Exam Code | Old Exam Name | New Exam Name |
Then what are the new knowledge points?
Exam Code | New Knowledge Points |
H12-221-ENU | OSPF Routing Protocols |
H12-222-ENU | MPLS and MPLS VPN DHCP Mirroring Agile Controller and eSight IP QoS Huawei Firewall Technology Basis VRRP BFD SDN, NFV, VXLAN |
H12-223-ENU | Network Planning Network Design Network Implementation Network Maintenance Network Troubleshooting Network Optimization Network Migration |
Many customers are wondering why there is "ENU" behind the exam code, such as H12-221-ENU? What does this mean? Is there any different between "H12-221" and "H12-221-ENU"?
As we all know there are two languages for Huawei certification exams. One is Chinese and the other is English. I will take H12-221 for example. In our website:
H12-221: It is Chinese exam
H12-221-ENU: It is English exam
The questions are the same. The only difference is the language.
Although Huawei changed HCNP R&S H12-221, H12-222 and H12-223 exams, please don't worry. The new exams will be released in the next few days. We are cracking them. H12-222-ENU will be the first released exam, then H12-221 and H12-223 exams.
We CertQueen ensure you pass Huawei HCNP R&S certifications exams at your first attempt!