NS0-161 exam is a new one of NCDA ONTAP certification. To earn this certification, you can choose to take NS0-160 or NS0-161 exam. In this article, I will introduce the differences and similarities between NCDA ONTAP NS0-161 and NS0-160 exams.

NCDA ONTAP Certification Requirement
To prepare this NCDA ONTAP certification, you should have at least six to 12 months of field experience implementing and administering NetApp data storage solutions in multiprotocol environments. Besides, you should know how to implement HA controller configurations, SyncMirror software for rapid data recovery, or ONTAP solutions with either single- or multi-node configurations.
NS0-160 VS NS0-161 Basic Information
NS0-160 and NS0-161 exam basic information is same. The test includes 60 test questions, with an allotted time of 1-1/2 hours to complete. In countries where English is not the native language, candidates for whom English is not their first language will be granted a 30-minute extension to the allotted examination completion time.
NS0-161 VS NS0-160 Exam Topics
NS0-161 Exam Topics |
NS0-160 Exam Topics |
Storage Platforms
Logical Storage
SAN Solutions and Connectivity
NAS Solutions
Data Protection
High Availability
Front-End Client Protocols
Storage Provisioning
Security and Compliance
Data Protection
NS0-161 & NS0-160 Exam Dumps
Our NCDA ONTAP NS0-160 exam dumps are the latest version in the market, which are helpful for you to study and master the above NS0-160 exam topics. Besides, we will crack NS0-161 exam dumps soon. Please pay more attention to the news on our website.