NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer-Data Protection NS0-525 exam is a required test for NCIE-DP certification. To take this NCIE-DP NS0-525 exam, we recommend that candidates have six to 12 months of experience with: NetApp ONTAP replication technology, planning and implementing data protection solutions, configuring backup and recovery software, operating backup and disaster recovery deployments. So, how to earn NCIE-Data Protection certification?

Required Certification
To earn NCIE-Data Protection certification, you must achieve NetApp Certified Data Administrator NCDA certification. NS0-160 exam is a required test for NCDA certification.
Prepare NS0-525 Exam
There are 60 questions in real NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer-Data Protection (NCIE-Data Protection) NS0-525 exam. You have 1-1/2 hours to complete the test. Netapp NS0-525 exam topics cover the following sections.
ONTAP Replication Technology
Planning ONTAP Data Protection Implementation
Configuring Data Protection Software
Operating Data Protection Deployments
Best Practices
New updated NCIE-Data Protection NS0-525 exam dumps can help you test the above topics. With our NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer-Data Protection NS0-525 exam dumps, you can prepare the test well.
Schedule and Pass NS0-525 Exam
Schedule Netapp NS0-525 exam at Pearson VUE test center. There are 60 questions in new updated NS0-525 exam dumps. With all of them, you can pass the test in the first attempt.