Huawei HCIE-Cloud Computing certification is much hot among those Huawei certifications. This certification can help you have a deep understanding of the cloud computing technologies and the knowledge of cloud computing deployment, O&M, migration, troubleshooting, and backup and DR of large and medium-sized enterprises, and you have the capabilities of building an enterprise cloud computing platform using Huawei cloud computing products.

The HCIE-Cloud Computing V2.0 exam covers FusionCloud private cloud solution, FusionSphere server virtualization solution, FusionAccess cloud desktop solution. Based on these solutions, you need to master cloud DC-level operation and O&M, cloud computing backup & DR, cloud computing service migration, cloud computing troubleshooting, cloud computing planning and best practices. To earn Huawei HCIE-Cloud Computing certification, you need to complete the following three exams.
1.H13-531 HCIE-Cloud Computing (Written)
Huawei H13-531 HCIE-Cloud Computing Written exam information and topics are available below.
Huawei H13-531 Written Exam Knowledge Content
Cloud Computing Operations 35%
Cloud Computing OM 15%
Cloud Computing Backup and DR 15%
Cloud Computing Service Migration 15%
Cloud Computing Troubleshooting 5%
Cloud Computing Plan and Best Practices 15%
2. H13-532 HCIE-Cloud Computing (Lab)
Huawei H13-532 HCIE-Cloud Computing Lab exam information and topics are available below.
Huawei H13-532 Lab Exam Knowledge Content
Cloud Computing Operations 50%
Cloud Computing OM 20%
Cloud Computing Backup and DR 10%
Cloud Computing Service Migration 0%
Cloud Computing Troubleshooting 5%
Cloud Computing Plan and Best Practices 15%
3. H13-533 HCIE-Cloud Computing (Interview)
Huawei H13-533 HCIE-Cloud Computing Interview exam information and topics are available below.
Huawei H13-533 Interview Exam Knowledge Content
Cloud Computing Operations 25%
Cloud Computing OM 15%
Cloud Computing Backup and DR 15%
Cloud Computing Service Migration 15%
Cloud Computing Troubleshooting 15%
Cloud Computing Plan and Best Practices 15%
Note: To meet the changing requirements of learners and adapt to the trend of ICT evolution, we are upgrading Huawei HCIE certifications on May 30, 2021 (UTC+08:00) based on extensive market research and opinions from experts and candidates worldwide. Previously, an HCIE certification consists of a written exam, lab exam, and an interview. The new HCIE certifications will no longer contain an interview section and will focus on the written and lab exams. The upgrade will start on May 30, 2021, and interviews will no longer be held December 31, 2021, with a 7-month transition period.