Huawei HCIP-WLAN certification is much hot among those Huawei candidates. To get HCIP-WLAN certification, you will have a comprehensive and thorough understanding of Huawei WLAN products and technologies, and the ability to use WLAN product to plan, design, deploy and optimize WLAN of large and medium-sized enterprises. In this article, I will share the required information of HCIP-WLAN certification with you. To be certified, you need to pass the following two exams.

1.H12-321 HCIP-WLAN CEWA Exam
HCIP-WLAN CEMA H12-321 exam information is available below for you to study.
Exam Type: Written examination
Exam Format: Single-answer Qusetion, Multiple-answer Question, True or false
Time: 90min
Passing Score/Total Score: 600/1000
Exam Cost: 160USD
Language: English, Russian
Huawei H12-321 Exam Knowledge Content cover the following details.
Building a Foundation Enterprise WLAN 21%
Building a Security Enterprise WLAN 28%
Building a Movable Enterprise WLAN 13%
Building a Reliable Enterprise WLAN 15%
Building an Internet Enterprise WLAN 23%
2. H12-322 HCIP-WLAN POEW Exam
HCIP-WLAN POEW H12-322 exam basic information is available below.
Exam Type: Written examination
Exam Format: Single-answer Qusetion, Multiple-answer Question, True or false
Time: 90min
Passing Score/Total Score: 600/1000
Exam Cost: 160USD
Language: English, Russian
Huawei H12-322 exam knowledge content cover the following details.
General WLAN Planning 15%
WLAN Site Survey and Infrastructure Planning 24%
WLAN Indoor Settled and Distributed Coverage 15%
WLAN Outdoor Coverage Planning 13%
WDS.MESH & Roaming Planning 11%
WLAN Design for Enterprises 10%
WLAN Optimization 12%
After you study the above HCIP-WLAN H12-321 and H12-322 exam information, you can learn the tests well. We just updated H12-321 exam dumps questions, which can make sure you pass the test easily. Want to check some sample questions of H12-321 and H12-322 exams? you can contact us via