HCIP-Video Conference V2.0 H11-861_V2.0 Real Dumps

March 08,2022 01:41 AM

The current version of HCIP-Video Conference certification is V2.0, and the exam code is H11-861_V2.0. We have cracked the latest Huawei HCIP-Video Conference V2.0 H11-861_V2.0 real dumps, which are helpful in the preparaion. To earn Huawei HCIP-Video Conference certification, you are able to master the video conference call process and advanced features and able to independently deploy, maintain, and manage medium- and large-sized video conference systems.

HCIP-Video Conference V2.0 H11-861_V2.0 Real Dumps

Huawei H11-861_V2.0 Exam

Learning Huawei certification H11-861_V2.0 exam information is the first step for you to study the test. 
Number of questions: 60
Exam format: Single-answer Qusetion, Multiple-answer Question, True or false, Short Response Item, Drag and Drop Item
Duration: 90 minutes
Passing score/total score: 600/1000
Languages: Chinese, English
Exam Cost: $300

HCIP-Video Conference V2.0 H11-861_V2.0 Exam Knowledge Points

The details of HCIP-Video Conference V2.0 H11-861_V2.0 exam knowledge points are below. 
1.Wireshark Packet Capturing Introduction 5%
2.H.323 Protocol System 5%
3.SIP Protocol Principles 5%
4.RTP and RTCP Protocol Principles 5%
5.Audio Encoding Technology 5%
6.Video Encoding Technology 5%
7.Basic Principles of Integrated Videoconferencing System 10%
8.HD Video Terminal - Advanced 5%
9.Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) – Advanced 10%
10.Service Management Center – Advanced 10%
11.Network Monitoring Tools 5%
12.Videoconferencing System Troubleshooting 5%
13.Videoconferencing Public-Private Network Traversal Solution 10%
14.Huawei Videoconferencing Recording Solution 10%
15.Network Recording & Streaming Server 5%

Share Huawei H11-861_V2.0 Real Dumps Questions

All the latest Huawei H11-861_V2.0 real dumps questions are the best material for you to study the above HCIP-Video Conference V2.0 exam knowledge points. Share some Huawei certification H11-861_V2.0 real dumps questions below. 
1.The methods for scheduling a conference that supports recording include (). (Select 3 answers)
A. Using the video phone
B. Using the SMC
C. Using the video terminal web interface
D. Using the telepresence system touch panel
Answer: BCD

2.Wireshark supports packet decoding for various protocols, include (). (Select 3 answers)
D. H.263
Answer: ABC

3.Over an H.460 network, private video terminals connect to () in the SETUP phase,
A. TSs
B. GKs
C. Public network terminals
Answer: A

4.A Network Diagnostician remotely instructs another Network Diagnostician to initiate a diagnostic test to a network diagnostician in another network. ( )
Answer: A

5.In Multi-channel Cascading, the protocols of all multi-channel conference sites must be consistent, but band widths can be different. ( )
Answer: B

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