Are you preparing HCIP-Cloud Computing V4.0 certification? If so, to earn HCIP-Cloud Computing V4.0 certification, you need to pass H13-527 test successfully. We all know the last version of HCIP-Cloud Computing certification is V3.0, and the related exams are H13-522, H13-523 and H13-524, which are offline on May 27, 2020. I collected Huawei H13-527 exam information and content from Huawei official site. Share them with you.

HCIP-Cloud Computing V4.0 H13-527 Exam
H13-527 exam is a written one. The exam format is Single choice, Multiple choices and Judgments. There are about 60 questions in real HCIP-Cloud Computing V4.0 exam, and each candidate has 90 minutes to complete all the questions. You need to spend $300 registering Huawei certification H13-527 exam. With our latest Huawei HCIP-Cloud Computing V4.0 H13-527 exam dumps questions, you will not waster the registration fee. The available languages of H13-527 exam is English and Japanese.
H13-527 HCIP-Cloud Computing Exam Content
HCIP-Cloud Computing V4.0 H13-527 exam requires candidates to be familiar with the following content:
Technical principles and troubleshooting methods of FusionCompute and FusionAccess
Overview of Huawei server virtualization, compute virtualization, network virtualization, and storage virtualization technologies
O&M and troubleshooting of server virtualization products
Overview of the Huawei desktop solution
Desktop cloud architecture
Concepts and provisioning of linked clone desktops and full copy desktops
O&M and troubleshooting of desktop cloud systems
Updated Huawei H13-527 Exam Dumps
New updated Huawei HCIP-Cloud Computing H13-527 exam dumps are the best material for you to clear the test. Share some H13-527 exam dumps questions and answers below.
1. What kind of virtualization technology does FusionCompute use for virtualization?
A. Paravirtualization
B. Operating system virtualization
C. Hardware-assisted virtualization
D. Full virtualization
Answer: C
2. FusionAccess is a virtual control system of Huawei Cloud Computing, which is mainly used for the creation and distribution of virtual desktops.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
3. Which operation cannot be listed by FusionCompute administrator through the task center?
A. Before a task is completed, the task can be cancelled.
B. View the log path of task execution.
C. For tasks with tasks, you can view the success or failure of subtasks.
D. View the progress of task execution.
Answer: B
4. In computing virtualization, which of the following description of memory usage is correct? (Multiple choice)
A. On the same physical host, all Guest PhysicalMemory can be greater than the ost PhysicalMemory of the physical host.
B. In a virtual machine, the Guest Virtual Memory corresponding to all applications must be less than or equal to the GuestPhysicalMemoy of the virtual machine.
C. On the same physical host, all Guest PhysicalMemory must be less than or equal to the Host PnysicalMemory of the physical host.
D. In a virtual machine, the Guest VirtualMemory corresponding to all applications can be larger than the GuestPhysical Memory of the virtual machine.
Answer: AB
5. Which of the following operations cannot be performed by the desktop cloud administrator through FusionAccess?
A. Recycle virtual desktops
B. Issue virtual desktops
C. Make a virtual desktop template
D. Maintain virtual tables
Answer: C
Pass H13-527 to Earn HCIP-Cloud Computing V4.0 Certification
Schedule Huawei H13-527 exam at Pearson VUE test center. After you study all of the updated HCIP-Cloud Computing H13-527 exam updated dumps questions, you can pass the test in a short time.