H13-831 is the written exam for HCIE-Cloud Service Solutions Architect certification. Passing the HCIE-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 H13-831 certification will indicate that you have mastered theories of designing and deploying scalable service architectures on Huawei Cloud, and you will be capable of architecture design, service selection, application reconstruction, multi-dimensional O&M, security hardening, and cloud migration. We have cracked the latest Huawei HCIE-Cloud Service Solution Architect H13-831 exam dumps, which can guarantee you pass this H13-831 written test.

HCIE-Cloud Service Solutions Architect H13-831 Written Exam
HCIE-Cloud Service Solutions Architect H13-831 written exam information can help you understand the test well.
Exam Type: Written examination
Exam Format: Single Answer, Multiple Answer, True-false Question
Time: 90min
Passing Score/Total Score: 600/1000
Exam Cost: 300USD
Language: Chinese, English
Huawei Certification H13-831 Exam Knowledge Content
Show you the HCIE-Cloud Service Solutions Architect H13-831 exam knowledge content below.
1.Huawei Cloud Overview and Architecture Design Principles 1%
2.Huawei Cloud Network Architecture Design 13%
3.Huawei Cloud Compute Architecture Design 12%
4.Huawei Cloud Storage Architecture Design 8%
5.Huawei Cloud Database Architecture Design 12%
6.Huawei Cloud Application Architecture Design 12%
7.Huawei Cloud Big Data Processing and Analytics 10%
8.Huawei Cloud O&M Architecture Design 10%
9.Huawei Cloud Security Architecture Design 12%
10.Huawei Cloud Cloud Migration Solution 10%
Practice Huawei H13-831 Exam Dumps Questions
Huawei HCIE-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 H13-831 exam dumps questions contain 274 Q&As, which can help you test all the above knowledge content. Share some Huawei certification H13-831 exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.Which of the following description of the HUAWEI CLOUD modular data center are correct? (Multiple choice)
A. Green and energy saving. Improve PUE by more than 20%
B. Save operation and maintenance manpower. Improve operation and maintenance efficiency
C. The UPS power module has no redundancy. Integrated UPS integrated power distribution
D. Use PAD near-end management, real-time display
Answer: ABCD
2.Regarding the HUAWEI CLOUD cloud connection service, which of the following descriptions is correct?
A. The cloud dedicated line has the same function as the cloud connection
B. It is not possible to achieve mutual visits between VPCs in the same Region
C. VPN can completely replace cloud connection
D. Able to achieve mutual visits between different Region VPCs
Answer: D
3.When the back-end server group corresponding to HUAWEI CLOUD ELB contains multiple ECS instances, if the external processing capabilities of the Ecs instances are different, in order to make full use of the processing capabilities of the ECS instances. Which of the following options is the most reasonable?
A. The purpose of ELB is to balance the load between ECs instances in the background. Unable to allocate more requests to a certain type of cS instance
B. Assign higher weights to ECS instances with strong processing capabilities. The higher the weight, the more access requests will be allocated.
C. Distribute tasks according to the polling mode, and a strong cCS instance will be able to distribute more requests
D. Distribute tasks according to the mode of the minimum number of connections, and more capable ECS instances will be able to allocate more requests
Answer: B
4.The user found that there are many IPs starting with 100 frequently accessing the back-end ECS instance of their ELB, and the security check did not report the problem. Which of the following is the possible reason?
A. ELB system health check and availability monitoring
B. Access by real users
C. Being under cyber attack
D. ECS server failure
Answer: A
5.An enterprise has three different departments, each with its own HUAWEI CLOUD account. The HR department deployed a file sharing website to share the data of all on-the-job employees. The business department uploads the employee's attendance data to their VPC database. The finance department needs to access the HR department's attendance data to calculate the employee's salary. Which of the following configurations can be used by the administrator of the company to meet the needs of the three departments?
A. Configure VPC peering connection between business department and HR department
B. Configure VPC peering connections in the finance department and HR department. At the same time, configure VPC peering connections in the business department and HR department.
C. Configure a VPC peering connection between the business department and the financial department
D. Because the accounts of the three departments are different, the VPC peering connection cannot be configured to get through the data
Answer: B