Are you preparing your ServiceNow certification CIS-SIR exam? We just cracked the latest Certified Implementation Specialist-Security Incident Response Exam CIS-SIR dumps questions, which contain 60 Q&As. The ServiceNow certification CIS-SIR exam dumps are the best material for you to study this ServiceNow CIS-SIR exam. I also collected the latest CIS-SIR exam related information from the ServiceNow official website for you to prepare for ServiceNow CIS-SIR test.

ServiceNow CIS-SIR Exam
The Certified Implementation Specialist-Security Incident Response CIS-SIR exam certifies that a successful candidate has the skills and essential knowledge to implement Security Incident Response applications. The ServiceNow CIS-SIR exam consists of approximately 60 questions. For each question on the CIS-SIR examination, there are multiple possible responses. After completing and submitting the ServiceNow CIS-SIR exam, a pass or fail result is immediately calculated and displayed to the candidate.
CIS-SIR ServiceNow Certification Exam Scope
ServiceNow certification CIS-SIR exam scope can help you test the following details.
Security Incident Response Overview 15%
Introducing Security IncidentResponse
Data Visualization
Understanding Customer Goals and Meeting Customer Expectations
Security Incident Creation and Threat Intelligence 14%
Explore How to Create Security Incidents
Understanding Threat Intelligence
MITRE ATT&CK Framework
Security Incident and Threat Intelligence Integrations 14%
ServiceNow Store and Share
Managing Pre-Built Integrations
Creating Custom Integrations
Security Incident Response Management 15%
Understand Major Security Incident Management
Security Analyst Workspace (New UI)
Standard Automated Assignment Options
Definition of Escalation Paths
Security Tags
Process Definitions and Selection
Risk Calculations and Post Incident Response 12%
Security Incident Calculator Groups and Risk Scores
Post Incident Reviews
Security Incident Automation 30%
Automate Security Incident Response Overview
Security Incident Automation using Flows and Workflows
Playbook Automation (Knowledge Articles and Runbooks)
Use Case: User Reported Phishing v2
Practice ServiceNow CIS-SIR Exam Dumps Questions
ServiceNow certification CIS-SIR exam dumps questions can help you test all the above scope. Share some Certified Implementation Specialist-Security Incident Response CIS-SIR exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.What makes a playbook appear for a Security Incident if using Flow Designer?
A. Actions defined to create tasks
B. Trigger set to conditions that match the security incident
C. Runbook property set to true
D. Service Criticality set to High
Answer: B
2.What is the purpose of Calculator Groups as opposed to Calculators?
A. To provide metadata about the calculators
B. To allow the agent to select which calculator they want to execute
C. To set the condition for all calculators to run
D. To ensure one at maximum will run per group
Answer: C
3.The following term is used to describe any observable occurrence: .
A. Incident
B. Log
C. Ticket
D. Alert
E. Event
Answer: E
4.The severity field of the security incident is influenced by what?
A. The cost of the response to the security breach
B. The impact, urgency and priority of the incident
C. The time taken to resolve the security incident
D. The business value of the affected asset
Answer: D
5.The Risk Score is calculated by combining all the weights using .
A. an arithmetic mean
B. addition
C. the Risk Score script include
D. a geometric mean
Answer: A