Searching the latest C_TPLM40_65 exam dumps? We have cracked SAP Certified Application Associate-Quality Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5 C_TPLM40_65 exam dumps, which are the best preparation material for you to clear the test. SAP certification C_TPLM40_65 exam verifies the basic knowledge in the area of the SAP Quality Management. The official C_TPLM40_65 exam related information, topics areas and exam dumps questions are valuable in the preparation.

SAP C_TPLM40_65 Exam Information
Level: Associate
Exam: 80 questions
Cut Score: 55%
Duration: 180 mins
Languages: German, English
C_TPLM40_65 SAP Topics Areas
SAP Certified Application Associate-Quality Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5 C_TPLM40_65 topics areas cover the following sections.
Implement QM in Discrete Manufacturing >12%
Implement & Configure Quality Control >12%
Implement & Configure Quality Planning 8%-12%
Implement & Configure Quality Inspection 8%-12%
QM in Process Industries <8%
Integration of QM with S&D and Service <8%
Integration of QM and MM <8%
Configuration and Organization <8%
Audit Management <8%
Quality Notifications <8%
Quality Certificates <8%
Sample Management <8%
Practice SAP C_TPLM40_65 Exam Dumps Questions
With the latest SAP certification C_TPLM40_65 exam dumps questions, you can test all the above topics areas. Share some SAP Certified Application Associate-Quality Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5 C_TPLM40_65 exam dumps questions below.
1.An activity consists of the following elements (more than one answer is true):
A. Long text
B. Processing quality factor
C. Short test
D. Processing deadlines
E. Catalog entry
Answer: ABD
2.Which statements are correct? (More than one answer is true.)
A. You can determine the calibration intervals using maintenance strategies or a maintenance cycle.
B. Test equipment is managed as an equipment master record.
C. Inspection characteristics can be included in the maintenance task list for the equipment or in the general task list, in the form of master inspection characteristics or task list characteristics.
D. You use the maintenance plan to link the required master data and to schedule the calibration inspection.
Answer: AC
3.Which statements are correct? (More than one answer is true.)
A. The certificate can be transferred as a PDF file.
B. You can monitor the receipt of a quality certificate with and without inspection lot processing, independently of the time of goods receipt.
C. You can electronically send and receive quality certificates for a delivery.
D. You can make it possible for your customers to access quality certificates on the Internet.
Answer: ABC
4.The work performed and costs incurred during results recording or when the usage decision is made can be confirmed in a QM order.
A. Using direct activity allocation
B. In cost processing
Answer: B
5.In which of the following you can display the information for multiple specifications functions and valuate them at characteristic level:
A. Results Recording Worklist
B. Record inspection results for the batch
C. Record inspection results for the lot
D. Record inspection results for the inspection point
E. Record inspection results for the operation
Answer: B