If you are planning to earn SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud SDK Extensibility Developer certification, which proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and in‐depth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentored role. C_S4CDK_2022 exam is a related test for SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud SDK Extensibility Developer certification, which validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP Cloud SDK developer profile.

SAP Certification C_S4CDK_2022 Exam
SAP Certification C_S4CDK_2022 exam basic information is available below.
Number of questions: 80
Level: Associate
Duration: 180 minutes
Cut Score: 64%
Language: English
SAP Certified Development Associate C_S4CDK_2022 Exam Topics
SAP Certified Development Associate C_S4CDK_2022 exam topics cover the following details.
In-App Extensibility >12%
Side-by-Side Extensibility >12%
Basic Extension Apps >12%
DevOps and Continuous Delivery >12%
RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud >12%
Security >12%
Advanced Extensibility Scenarios 8%-12%
Multi-Target Applications Development <8%
SAP S/4HANA Cloud and Extensibility Overview <8%
Application Testing <8%
Practice SAP C_S4CDK_2022 Exam Dumps Questions
SAP C_S4CDK_2022 exam dumps questions are the best material for you to test the above SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud SDK Extensibility Developer topics. Share some SAP Certification C_S4CDK_2022 exam dumps questions below.
1.How can you ensure that the value creation process continuously becomes safer and more resilient?
A. Optimize batch working style.
B. Develop tight software architectures.
C. Establish short and efficient feedback cycles.
D. Separate software teams by specialized skills.
Answer: C
2.Which authentication and connection activity does the SAP Cloud SDK handle automatically?
A. It creates a communication arrangement with the user ID and password in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
B. It determines the configuration by consuming the destination service on SAP Cloud Platform.
C. It manages user accounts and provides Single Sign-On.
D. It exchanges the SAML assertion with the identity provider.
Answer: A
3.A section of code failed multiple times in a short timeframe. Which ErpCommand feature allows you to circumvent this section of code?
A. Circuit breakers
B. Bulkheads
C. Fallbacks
D. Thread-pools
Answer: A
4.Your JSON Web Token (JWT) is issued by the XSUAA service in the Cloud Foundry environment. What does this JWT contain?
A. The session ID of the user
B. The scope(s) to which the user is assigned
C. The SAML metadata of the user's identity provider
D. The list of applications the user can access
Answer: A
5.Which of the following are use cases for typical extension archetypes for the SAP Cloud SDK? Note:<br />There are 3 correct Answers to this question.
A. Convenience applications
B. Analytical applications
C. Internet applications
D. Preprocessing applications
E. Security applications
Answer: ABD