C_PO_7521 SAP Certified Technology Associate real dumps have been cracked, which are good enough for you to study the test. SAP Certified Technology Associate - Process Orchestration C_PO_7521 exam validates that you know the necessary tools, processes and basics for creating orchestration processes using Java technology. All the other official SAP Certification C_PO_7521 exam information is valuable in your preparation.

SAP Certification C_PO_7521 Exam
SAP Certified Technology Associate - Process Orchestration certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and inādepth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentored role.
Number of questions: 80
Duration: 180 minutes
Cut Score: 65%
Language: English
C_PO_7521 SAP Certified Technology Associate Exam Topics
SAP Certified Technology Associate C_PO_7521 exam topics cover the following details.
Business Processes Modeling and BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Management Notation) >12%
The Role of the Advanced Adapter Engine Extended (AEX) 8%-12%
Basic Concepts System Landscape Directory (SLD) and Enterprise Service Repository (ESR) 8%-12%
Mappings 8%-12%
Operations and Process Monitoring in SAP Process Orchestration 8%-12%
Configuration of iFlows in NetWeaver Developer Studio (SAP NWDS) 8%-12%
SAP Business Process Management Development Steps <8%
SAP Business Rules Management (BRM) <8%
SAP Processes Integration Architecture <8%
Roles and Authorizations of a BPMN Process <8%
Integration Objects in the Integration Directory <8%
Basic Concepts for SAP Business Process Management Integration Flow (iFlow) <8%
Practice SAP C_PO_7521 Exam Dumps Questions
SAP C_PO_7521 exam dumps questions are the best guides for you to study the above SAP Certified Technology Associate - Process Orchestration topics. Share some SAP certification C_PO_7521 exam dumps questions below.
1.For which object can you use an Association to attach notes, information,and other documentation?
A. Data element
B. Task
C. Activity
D. Integration object
Answer: C
2.Which of the following technical system types can you enter in the SLD? Select all that apply. Choose the correct answers.
A. Third-party systems
Answer: ABD
3.Which runtime constant is associated with the sender interface name?Choose the correct answer.
A. $Receiver Name
B. $Interface
C. SInterface Namespace
D. $SenderService
Answer: CD
4.Which event pauses and waits for callback response from outside the process before resuming?
A. Intermediate Data Object Event
B. Intermediate Artifact Event
C. IntermediateBoundary Event
D. Intermediate Message Event
Answer: D
5.Which icon color signifiesthat an attribute or element is not assigned?Choose the correct answer.
A. Red
B. Green
C. White
D. Yellow
Answer: C