We all know that SY0-601 exam is a new one for CompTIA Security+ certification. If you are preparing your CompTIA Security+ certification, you will want to know the differences between SY0-501 and SY0-601 exams. In this article, I will show you the differences between SY0-501 and SY0-601 exams.

CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 and SY0-601 Exam Format
Number of Questions: Maximum of 90 questions
Type of Questions: Multiple choice and performance-based
Length of Test: 90 minutes
Passing Score: 750 (on a scale of 100-900)
Recommended Experience: CompTIA Network+ and two years of experience in IT administration with a security focus
Testing Provider: Pearson VUE (Testing Centers/Online Testing)
Price: $370
Differences between SY0-501 and SY0-601 Exams Domains
The CompTIA Security+ SY0-601 exam now covers five major domains instead of six, guided by a maturing industry job role.
Differences between CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 and SY0-601 Exam Objectives
Although the exam objectives document is longer, the new exam actually has fewer objectives. CompTIA Security+ (SY0-601) has 35 exam objectives, compared to 37 on SY0-501. The difference is that the exam objectives for SY0-601 include more examples under each objective – the number of examples increased by about 25%. The related SY0-501 and SY0-601 exam objectives are valuable for you to prepare the two tests.