CertQueen got the latest news about HCNA-Storage Certification exam, official site changed HCNA H13-612-ENU exam code to H13-611-ENU, but in test center, you can choose either H13-612-ENU nor H13-611-ENU exam to take for your HCNA-Storage certification.
So what is the difference between HCNA H13-611-ENU and H13-612-ENU exam? I will list some points below for you to check, you will get a clear understanding for these two HCNA exams.
Exam Code | Exam Name | Knowledge Points |
H13-611-ENU | HCNA-Storage (Huawei Certified Network Associate -Storage) |
1)Latest Storage Technologies and Trends. 2)Storage Technologies for AI, Big Data and Cloud. 3)Introduction to Storage Ecosystems. 4)Business Continuity Solutions and Its Applications. 5)Operation and Management of Storage System in Datacenters. |
H13-612-ENU | HCNA-Storage-BSSN 3.0 (Huawei Certified Network Associate - Building the Structure of Storage Network) |
1).Storage system components, storage media type and features, HDD and SSD basic knowledge, backup and disaster tolerance concept. 2).RAID principle and different RAID levels (0, 1, 2,0+, 5, 6, 10) features and typical application scenario. 3).DAS, SAN, NAS concepts, features and architectures. SCSI, FC, iSCSI, CIFS, NFS technology. 4).Technologies of backup and disaster recovery. 5).Background and application scenarios of big data. 6).Status quo and key technologies of cloud computing. 7).SAN storage: OceanStor V3 products function, hardware, interface and typical network. 8).Installation and SAN storage configuration (Storage pool, LUN, hosts, mapping etc.). Using DeviceManager. 9).SAN storage connection with Windows, Linux OS platform, Ultrapath installation and configuration 10).Huawei storage products introduction and typical application. 11).Introduction to some Huawei Licensed Features. |
Recent feedbacks from our candidates, H13-611-ENU exam changed questions, our dumps can't help you pass H13-611 HCNA exam, but others registered for HCNA H13-612-ENU exam all passed, our H13-612-ENU dumps are valid and can help you pass. So we suggest candidates who are going to get HCNA-Storage certification select HCNA H13-612-ENU exam to test, CertQueen HCNA H13-612-ENU dumps are enough for you to pass. If we update H13-611 HCNA exam, we will show the news in our site, pls pay attention to our site.