Administration of Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x VCS-322 exam can help you understand a basis of knowledge for proactively managing Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x in an enterprise environment to improve a company's ability to retain and protect corporate information. Veritas VCS-322 exam dumps have been updated, which are helpful for you to clear the test in the first attempt. Besides, VCS-322 exam information and topics are also helpful in your preparation.

Learn VCS-322 Exam Information
There are 75-85 questions in real Administration of Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x exam. Each candidate has 105 minutes to complete the test. The required passing score of Veritas VCS-322 exam is 69%. The test language is English. Veritas certification VCS-322 exam price is $225.
Master VCS-322 Exam Topics
Veritas certification VCS-322 exam topics cover the following 5 sections.
SECTION 1 Overview, Architecture, and Planning
SECTION 2 Installation and Configuration
SECTION 3 Technical Administration: Management and Reporting
SECTION 4 Monitoring, Reporting, and Troubleshooting
SECTION 5 Backup and Recovery
Practice Veritas VCS-322 Exam Dumps
New cracked Veritas VCS-322 exam dumps from CertQueen include 179 Q&As, which can help you test the above exam topics. Share some Veritas certification VCS-322 exam dumps questions below.
1.An administrator is conducting a server-driven PST migration. The administrator chooses to delete the PST files as part of the post migration process and runs the PST migration for several pilot users. When starting Outlook, the pilot users get the warning PST file is missing.Which setting will prevent the warning?
A. create a Policy Manager initialization file with "DeletePST=True"
B. configure Remove PST entries within the Desktop policy > Advanced tab
C. log in remotely and restart the Outlook client
D. use a group policy to automatically remove the migrated PST files
Answer: B
2.Which two configurations are valid options for Microsoft Clustering in an Enterprise Vault environment? (Select two.)
A. Active/Active
B. Active/Passive
C. N+1 (Hot Standby)
D. Failover with replica
E. Failover with fault tolerance
Answer: BC
3.Users performing an EVSearch are unable to find items recently moved to their Virtual Vault.Which Enterprise Vault Policy will speed up the indexing of the items moved to the users Virtual Vault.
A. Exchange Virtual Vault setting > Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
B. Exchange Virtual Vault setting > Max total size of items to archive (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
C. Exchange Virtual Vault setting > Users can archive items
D. Exchange Vault Cache setting > Max Item updates per synchronization
Answer: A
With Veritas certification VCS-322 exam dumps, you can pass the test successfully.