Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin SPLK-1003 exam dumps are available, which are valuable for you to prepare the test well. If you are preparing Splunk certification SPLK-1003 exam, you can study the online Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin SPLK-1003 exam related information and dumps questions. The Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin SPLK-1003 exam is the final step towards completion of the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin certification.

Splunk SPLK-1003 Exam
SPLK-1003 certification exam is a 57-minute, 56-question assessment which evaluates your knowledge and skills to manage various components of Splunk on a daily basis, including the health of the Splunk installation. Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin is a required prerequisite to the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect and Splunk Certified Developer certification tracks. You can register Splunk certification SPLK-1003 exam at Pearson VUE test center.
SPLK-1003 Splunk Certification Exam Content Areas
Splunk certification SPLK-1003 exam content areas cover the following sections.
1.0 Splunk Admin Basics
2.0 License Management
3.0 Splunk Configuration Files
4.0 Splunk Indexes
5.0 Splunk User Management
6.0 Splunk Authentication Management
7.0 Getting Data In
8.0 Distributed Search
9.0 Getting Data In–Staging
10.0 Configuring Forwarders
11.0 Forwarder Management
12.0 Monitor Inputs
13.0 Network and Scripted Inputs
14.0 Agentless Inputs
15.0 Fine Tuning Inputs
16.0 Parsing Phase and Dat
17.0 Manipulating Raw Data
Splunk SPLK-1003 Exam Dumps Questions
Splunk SPLK-1003 exam dumps questions can help you test all the above exam content areas. Share some Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin SPLK-1003 exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.When configuring monitor inputs with whitelists or blacklists, what is the supported method of filtering the lists?
A. Slash notation
B. Regular expression
C. Irregular expression
D. Wildcard-only expression
Answer: B
2.What is required when adding a native user to Splunk? (Select all that apply.)
A. Password
B. Username
C. Full Name
D. Default app
Answer: CD
3.What are the minimum required settings when creating a network input in Splunk?
A. Protocol, port number
B. Protocol, port, location
C. Protocol, username, port
D. Protocol, IP, port number
Answer: A
4.Which Splunk component requires a Forwarder license?
A. Search head
B. Heavy forwarder
C. Heaviest forwarder
D. Universal forwarder
Answer: B
5.Which optional configuration setting in inputs.conf allows you to selectively forward the data to specific indexer(s)?
Answer: A