SAP Certification C_C4H460_04 exam dumps questions have been cracked, which can make sure you pass the test easily. SAP Certified Development Associate C_C4H460_04 exam verifies that the candidate possesses fundamental knowledge and proven skills in SAP Cloud for Customer to develop SAP Cloud for Customer functional enhancements. SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud for Customer 2011 certificate proves that the candidate has fundamental understanding within the Consultant profile and is able to apply the associated prerequisite skills practically under supervision of an expert consultant in a project environment.

SAP Certified Development Associate C_C4H460_04 Exam
SAP Certified Development Associate C_C4H460_04 exam basic information is available below.
Number of questions: 80
Duration: 180 minutes
Language: English
Cut score: 59%
SAP Certification C_C4H460_04 Exam Topics
SAP Certification C_C4H460_04 exam topics cover the following details.
UI Designer >12%
Custom and Standard Business Objects and Debugging >12%
Lifecycle Management and Data Protection and Privacy 8%-12%
Extensibility 8%-12%
SAP Cloud Applications Studio Overview 8%-12%
Service Integration 8%-12%
Mashups and Translation 8%-12%
Analytics, Approvals, and Notifications 8%-12%
Mass Data Run Object <8%
Business Configuration <8%
Practice SAP C_C4H460_04 Exam Dumps Questions
SAP C_C4H460_04 exam dumps questions can help you test all the above SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud for Customer 2011 topics. Share some SAP Certification C_C4H460_04 exam dumps questions below.
1.What must you do before you can assemble and download a solution?NOTE: There are 2 correct answers tothis question.
A. Check in the checked out objects for all users.
B. Release all tasks In the transport request.
C. Configure the transport layer for the production system.
D. Activate all objects in the solution.
Answer: AD
2.What type of mashup would you create to combine the content provided by a third-party application with the content provider by a cloud solution from SAP?
A. HTML mashup
B. Custom mashup
C. Data mashup
D. URL mashup
Answer: C
3.Which items do you need to create a mass data run object?NOTE: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Standard business object
B. Custom business object
C. Action
D. Data source
Answer: BCD
4.You need to create an embedded component that is self-container. Data binding and controller logic need to be defined within that embedded component. What type of binding between the parent component and the embedded component would you choose?
A. Loose coupling by node reference binding
B. Loose coupling by inport and outport context mapping
C. Tight coupling by node reference binding
D. Tight coupling by explicit binding
Answer: B
5.Which of the following debagging tasks are supported in SAP cloud Applications Studio?NOTE: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Step through thecode.
B. Install additional debuggers.
C. Start and stop debugging.
D. Switch to remote debugging.
Answer: AC