Want to earn Pega Certified System Architect certification? Our new updated PCSA Version 8 Certification PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 exam dumps are the best preparation guides for you to clear PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 exam and earn PCSA Version 8 certification. Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) certification is for developers and technical staff members who want to learn how to develop Pega applications.

PCSA Version 8 Exam Information
In real Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) 80V1 2019 PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 exam, there are 60 questions. Candidates have 90 minutes to complete the test. The passing grade of PCSA Version 8 PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 exam is 65%. The test languages are English, Japanese, and French. You can register PCSA Version 8 PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 exam at Pearson VUE test center.
PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 Exam Topics
PCSA Version 8 PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 exam topics cover the following 8 sections.
Pega Platform (5%)
Case Management (26%)
Data Modeling (20%)
Validation (7%)
Information Exchange (15%)
User Interface (12%)
Application Development (7%)
Reporting (8%)
Practice PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 Exam Dumps
Latest PCSA Version 8 PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 exam dumps have been updated, which are valuable for you to pass the test. Share some Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) 80V1 2019 PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 exam dumps questions below.
1.Which business need do you address through delegation?
A. A service representative must attach the appropriate form when emailing a customer.
B. A risk officer wants to adjust the income threshold for automobile loans.
C. A care supervisor wants to authorize a second opinion for an insurance claim.
D. A general manager must approve catering proposals that exceed EUR5000.
Answer: A
2.Your online shopping application serves international customers. You need to define a Data Page that holds currency exchange rates. All users accessing the application need to use the information.The Scope of this Data Page should be set to ________________.
A. Application
B. Node
C. Thread
D. Requestor
Answer: B
3.While testing a form, you need to verify the contents of a data page in memory.Which tool do you use to view the current contents of the data page?
A. Case Designer
B. The Data Explorer
C. The Clipboard tool
D. Live UI
Answer: C
Use the full version of PCSA Version 8 certification dumps to prepare the test well and earn Pega Certified System Architect certification.