There are two Cisco and NetApp FlexPod certifications offered by Netapp, FlexPod Design Specialist and FlexPod Implementation and Administration Specialist. You only need to pass one of the following exams to get FlexPod logos and certificates: Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Design Specialist NS0-175 exam and Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Implementation and Administration NS0-176 exam. We have cracked the latest Netapp certification NS0-175 and NS0-176 exam dumps, which are helpful for you to pass the tests easily.

Netapp NS0-175 and NS0-176 Exams
To take Netapp certification NS0-175 or NS0-176 exam, you should have at least six to 12 months of field experience working with the tools and standards for assessing FlexPod computing solution performance characteristics and requirements. NS0-175 or NS0-176 exam includes 60 test questions, with an allotted time of 90 minutes to complete. In countries where English is not the native language, candidates will be granted a 30-minute extension to the allotted examination completion time.
NS0-175 and NS0-176 Netapp FlexPod Exam Topics
Netapp FlexPod NS0-175 and NS0-176 exam topics cover the following topics.
Netapp NS0-175 Exam Topics |
Netapp NS0-176 Exam Topics |
Flexpod Design
Information Gathering for FlexPod Solutions
FlexPod Design
FlexPod Configuration
FlexPod Administration
FlexPod Troubleshooting
Practice Netapp NS0-175 and NS0-176 Exam Dumps
All the new cracked Netapp FlexPod NS0-175 and NS0-176 exam dumps can help you test all the related topics. There are 215 Q&As in the NS0-175 dumps and 141 Q&As in the new NS0-176 dumps. With studying all of Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Design Specialist NS0-175 and Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Implementation and Administration NS0-176 exam dumps, you can pass the two exams easily. If you want to check the demo questions of Netapp certification NS0-175 and NS0-176 exams, you can contact us via
Note: NS0-175 exam is the new replacement test of NS0-173, and NS0-176 exam is the new replacement test of NS0-171.