Mulesoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 exam is much hot among those IT candidates. To become Mulesoft Certified Platform Architect, you should be able to define and be responsible for an organization’s Anypoint Platform strategy. In order to prepare Mulesoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 exam well, you also need to study exam information, topics and dumps questions.

Study MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 Information
MCPA–Level 1 exam validates that an architect has the required knowledge and skills to direct the emergence of an effective application network out of individual integration solutions following API-led connectivity across an organization using Anypoint Platform.
Format: Multiple-choice, closed book, proctored online or in a testing center
Length: 58 questions
Duration: 120 minutes (2 hours)
Pass score: 70%
Language: English
Cost: $375
Master MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 Topics
MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 topics cover the following sections.
Explaining Application Network Basics
Establishing Organizational and Platform Foundations
Designing APIs and API Interactions
Following API-Led Connectivity
Governing APIs on Anypoint Platform
Controlling Access to APIs
Delivering APIs
Deploying Mule Applications to CloudHub
Architecting Performant and Resilient APIs
Monitoring and Analyzing Application Networks
Practice MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 Dumps Questions
With new cracked MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 dumps questions, you can prepare and pass the test easily. Share some MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 exam dumps questions below.
1.What is most likely NOT a characteristic of an integration test for a REST API implementation?
A. The test needs all source and/or target systems configured and accessible.
B. The test runs immediately after the Mule application has been compiled and packaged.
C. The test is triggered by an external HTTP request.
D. The test prepares a known request payload and validates the response payload.
Answer: D
2.An API implementation is updated. When must the RAML definition of the API also be updated?
A. When the API implementation changes the structure of the request or response messages.
B. When the API implementation changes from interacting with a legacy backend system deployed on-premises to a modern, cloud-based (SaaS) system.
C. When the API implementation is migrated from an older to a newer version of the Mule runtime.
D. When the API implementation is optimized to improve its average response time.
Answer: D
3.When could the API data model of a System API reasonably mimic the data model exposed by the corresponding backend system, with minimal improvements over the backend system's data model?
A. When there is an existing Enterprise Data Model widely used across the organization.
B. When the System API can be assigned to a bounded context with a corresponding data model.
C. When a pragmatic approach with only limited isolation from the backend system is deemed appropriate.
D. When the corresponding backend system is expected to be replaced in the near future.
Answer: A
With the latest online MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 dumps questions, you can pass the test in a short time. Besides, our MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect-Level 1 dumps questions can guarantee you pass the test successfully.