LSSWB Lean Six Sigma White Belt dumps questions are the best material for you to study LSSWB exam. The Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification has been developed exclusively for the Management and Strategy Institute and designed to give the student a brief overview of Six Sigma and Lean principles. A Six Sigma project uses a 5-step process called the DMAIC method to evaluate and improve processes within an organization. This stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.

Six Sigma LSSWB Exam
Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification is perfect for individuals who are looking to learn more about Lean Six Sigma and process improvement. Lean Six Sigma White Belt LSSWB exam is timed, with a limit of 30 minutes. You may take the test online, from home or work whenever you are ready. You will receive a digital certificate of completion immediately upon completion of the Lean Six Sigma White Belt LSSWB exam.
LSSWB Lean Six Sigma White Belt Exam Topics
Lean Six Sigma White Belt LSSWB exam topics cover the following details.
History of Six Sigma
The DMAIC Method
Why is DMAIC used
Six Sigma Belts
Six Sigma Roles
Basics of Lean
WBsim simulation
Practice Six Sigma LSSWB Exam Dumps Questions
All the latest Six Sigma LSSWB exam dumps questions are the best material for you to study the above Lean Six Sigma White Belt topics. Share some Six Sigma LSSWB exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.Which of the following is the main feature of MSA (Measurement System Analysis)?
A. It helps to measure the system of continuing production.
B. This is the method of analyzing accurate measurement system.
C. This method is used for the purpose of block measurement.
D. None of these.
Answer: B
2.Which among the following is true about Process Capability Index (PCI)?
A. This is the process of calculating gross production capability of a company.
B. This is an index, which shows the least production ability of a process.
C. An Index, which shows the capability of a process for sufficient production.
D. An Index, showing the target production of a process.
Answer: C
3.What is an EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) Chart?
A. It is a Control Chart.
B. It is a Measurement Chart.
C. It is a Growth Chart.
D. None of these.
Answer: A
4.The chart is used for rearrangement of time, when any change is detected in a process.
A. IPWA Chart
B. CWMA Chart.
C. EWMA Chart.
D. CUSUM Chart.
Answer: D
5.What is the method of ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING used for?
A. This method is used for new product sampling.
B. The method includes acceptance and rejection of products by inspection.
C. To make a nonconforming product conforming this method is applied.
D. None of the above.
Answer: B