Project Administration in Jira Server ACP-600 exam is a required test for Project Administration certification. Certified Jira Project Administrators are the power users who know how to configure projects and boards, customize workflows and manage project permissions in their organization's Jira Server or Data Center instance. So, many candidates will ask, how to pass ACP-600 exam easily?

Read ACP-600 Exam Information
In real Project Administration in Jira Server ACP-600 exam, there are up to 75 questions. You have 180 minutes to complete the test. The required passing score of ACP-600 exam is 63%. The test languages are English, Japanese, Korean. Candidates can take the test protored online at your own location.
Master ACP-600 Exam Topics
Atlassian ACP-600 exam topics cover the following 5 sections.
Roles, Permissions and Issue Level Security
Project Configura
Issue Types, Workflows, Fields, Screens and Notifications
Reports, Dashboards and JQL
Global Configuration
Practice ACP-600 Exam Dumps
There are 65 Q&As in Project Administration in Jira Server ACP-600 exam dumps, which can help you test the above exam topics. Share some ACP-600 exam dumps questions below.
1.In my project, I can create issues and assign them to other users.However, the other users are not able to assign issues to me.What are two possible reasons for this? (Choose two.)
A. I am not a component lead.
B. I do not have the Assignable User permission.
C. The other users do not have the Assignable User permission.
D. The other users do not have the Edit Issues permission.
E. The other users do not have the Assign Issues permission.
Answer: DE
2.You want to gather metrics on how long it takes the team to resolve issues in their project.Which report should you use?
A. Resolution Time Report
B. Single Level Group By Report
C. Time Tracking Report
D. Time Since Issues Report
E. Average Age Report
Answer: C
3.Fixing a single bug requires the involvement of three teams: Designers, Developers and Testers.Currently, all the fields that are needed by each of the three teams are together on a single project screen.As a project administrator, how can you help the teams to easily identify the fields they need?
A. Request a separate issue type and issue type scheme for each team.
B. Use the card colors feature to color-code the fields by team.
C. Make fields available only for the team that needs them.
D. Request individual team screens to be associated with the Edit Issue operation.
E. Group individual fields by team and place them on separate tabs.
Answer: D
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