DES-1241 exam is a pop one of DELL EMC certification tests. Passing DES-1241 exam is a required test to earn Specialist-Platform Engineer, PowerStore Version 1.0 certification, which benefits any professional installing and maintaining PowerStore storage arrays in open systems environments. Specialist-Platform Engineer, PowerStore DES-1241 exam dumps have been cracked, which are valuable for you to pass DES-1241 test.

DELL EMC Platform Engineer DES-1241 Exam
Specialist–Platform Engineer, PowerStore Exam DES-1241 focuses on installing and maintaining PowerStore storage arrays in open systems environments.
Number of Questions: 60
Duration: 90 minutest
Pass Score: 63
DES-1241 DELL EMC Exam Topics
DELL EMC DES-1241 exam topics cover the following sections.
PowerStore Concepts and Features 6%
PowerStore Installation 7%
PowerStore Cabling 10%
PowerStore Implementation 20%
PowerStore Maintenance 15%
Software Upgrades 12%
Troubleshooting 30%
Practice DELL EMC DES-1241 Exam Dumps Questions
DELL EMC DES-1241 exam dumps questions have been cracked. There are 60 Q&As in Specialist–Platform Engineer, PowerStore Exam DES-1241 exam dumps, which can test all the above topics. Share some DELL EMC DES-1241 exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.Which port is used to SSH from one Dell EMC PowerStore appliance to another?
A. 26
B. 443
C. 21
D. 22
Answer: D
2.How many nodes are in the base enclosure?
A. 1 node with high availability enabled
B. 2 nodes configured as Active-Active
C. 1 node with duel connectivity
D. 2 nodes configured as Active-Standby
Answer: B
3. A Storage Administrator needs to add drives to a base enclosure of a Dell EMC PowerStore 7000T system. The system currently contains 10 750 GB NVMe SCM drives. Which drive configuration maximizes the base enclosure capacity?
A. 13 750 GB NVMe SCM drives in slots 10 - 22
B. 13 15360 GB NVMe SSD drives in slots 10 - 22
C. 11 750 GB NVMe SCM drives in slots 10 - 20
D. 11 15360 GB NVMe SSD drives in slots 10 - 20
Answer: C
4.While on-site installing a Dell EMC PowerStore T system, the node A embedded module management Ethernet port link LED is off. What does this indicate?
A. No network connection is established
B. Port speed is 1 GB/s
C. Port speed is 10 GB/s
D. Network connection is established
Answer: A
5.What method is used to power down a Dell EMC PowerStore system in a true emergency situation?
A. Turn off the cabinet switches
B. Remove base enclosure power cables
C. Run svc_node shutdown
D. Power Down Cluster in PowerStore GUI
Answer: A