Associate - Cloud Infrastructure and Services v4 DEA-2TT4 exam is the new replacement test of DEA-2TT3, which has been retired. DEA-2TT4 exam is a required test for Associate - Cloud Infrastructure and Services Version 4.0 certification, which benefits anyone who needs to design and manage cloud services or architect cloud infrastructure to host the services. Besides, the certification supports the skills needed to successfully work within organizations undergoing digital and IT transformations. We have cracked the latest DELL EMC DCA-CIS DEA-2TT4 exam dumps questions, which are valid in the preparation.

DELL EMC DEA-2TT4 exam focuses on building cloud infrastructure based on a cloud computing reference model. DEA-2TT4 exam basic information can help you understand the test.
Number of questions: 60
Duration: 90 minutes
Pass Score: 60%
DEA-2TT4 Associate - Cloud Infrastructure and Services v4 Topics
DEA-2TT4 Associate - Cloud Infrastructure and Services v4 exam topics cover the following details.
Digital Transformation, Cloud Computing Reference Architecture, and Introduction to Cloud Computing (9%)
Application, Cloud Services, Orchestration, and Modern Infrastructure (32%)
Cloud Security and Business Continuity (37%)
Cloud Service Management and IT Transformation (22%)
Practice DELL EMC DEA-2TT4 Exam Dumps Questions
All the latest DELL EMC certification DEA-2TT4 exam dumps questions are the best material for you to test the above Associate - Cloud Infrastructure and Services v4 exam topics. Share some DELL EMC DEA-2TT4 exam dumps questions below.
1.Which phase of the cloud service lifecycle involves making business use case decisions for the cloud service offering portfolio?
A. Service Termination
B. Service Planning
C. Service Creation
D. Service Operation
Answer: B
2.Which software-defined storage controller function gathers data about the components and brings them under its control and management?
A. Storage provisioning
B. Storage discovery
C. Resource abstraction and pooling
D. Storage component management
Answer: B
3.The incident management team is unable to determine the root cause of an incident. To which team should the error-correction activity be transferred?
A. Performance Management
B. Change Management
C. Availability Management
D. Problem Management
Answer: D
4.What capability is provided by the “Open and extensible” attribute of software-defined infrastructure (SDI)?
A. Uses APIs to integrate multivendor resources into the SDI environment
B. Optimizes resource usage and generates value reports about the SDI environment
C. Provides a control point for the entire SDI environment
D. Provides multitenancy that enables consumers to share resources in the SDI environment
Answer: A
5.What mechanism does RSA SecurID use?
A. Single sign-on authentication
B. Policy-based authorization
C. Multi-factor authentication
D. Role-based authorization
Answer: C