Are you preparing your Tableau Desktop Specialist exam? We all know this exam is for those who have foundational skills and understanding of Tableau Desktop and at least three months of applying this understanding in the product. We have cracked the latest Tableau Desktop Specialist exam dumps questions, which are the best material for you to study the test. I collected some official information of Tableau Desktop Specialist exam. Hope they are helpful in your preparation.

Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam
Tableau Desktop Specialist exam basic information is helpful for you to study the test.
Time Limit: 60 minutes
Question Format: Multiple choice, multiple response, hands-on
Number of Questions: 30
Passing Score: 70%
Language(s) Offered: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, German, French, Brazilian Portuguese, International Spanish
Desktop Specialist Exam Skills
Connecting to & Preparing Data
Exploring & Analyzing Data
Sharing Insights
Understanding Tableau Concepts
Practice Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam Dumps
New cracked Tableau Desktop Specialist exam dumps questions can help you test all the above skills. Share some Tableau Desktop Specialist exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.Which of the following chart type makes use of 'binned' data?
A. Gantt Chart
B. Bullet chart
C. Histogram
D. Treemaps
Answer: C
2.Using the Time Series table, create a chart that shows the percent difference in Average Inventory on Hand for each Assortment by year and quarter.How many quarters did the Electronics Assortment show a negative percent difference in the Average Inventory On Hand?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: C
3.Which data type in Tableau does this icon represent?
A. String
B. True or False
C. Boolean
D. Geographic
Answer: D
4.________________ files are shortcuts for quickly connecting to the original data that you use often. Data source files do not contain the actual data but rather the information necessary to connect to the actual data as well as any modifications you've made on top of the actual data such as changing default properties, creating calculated fields, adding groups, and so on.
A. .tbm
B. .tds
C. .tde
D. .twb
Answer: B
5.How do you identify a continuous field in Tableau?
A. It is identified by a blue pill in the visualization
B. It is identified by a green pill in a visualization
C. It is preceded by a '=#' symbol in the data window
D. It is preceded by a 'Abc' symbol in the data window
Answer: C