Check Point CCSA R81 exam certification is easy for you to earn. 156-215.81 exam is a related test for CCSA R81 certification. We have cracked the latest Check Point 156-215.81 exam dumps questions, which are good enough for you to pass. Check Point CCSA R81 exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of Check Point CCSA R81. Besides, The Check Point CCSA certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in Security domain.

Check Point CCSA R81 156-215.81 Exam
Check Point CCSA R81 156-215.81 exam basic information is available below for you to study the test.
Number of Questions: 90
Duration: 90 mins
Passing Score: 70%
Exam Price: $250
Test Center: Pearson VUE
Check Point 156-215.81 Exam Topics
Check Point Certified Security Administrator R81 156-215.81 exam topics cover the following details.
Security Architecture
Application Control
Gaia Portal
Hide/Static NAT
URL Filtering
Monitoring States
Traffic Visibility
Security Events
Threat Extraction
Threat Emulation
Policy Layers
Browser SmartConsole
Infinity Threat Prevention
User Access
Practice Check Point 156-215.81 Exam Dumps
156-215.81 Check Point Certified Security Administrator R81 exam dumps can help you study the above CCSA R81 exam topics. Share some Check Point CCSA R81 156-215.81 exam dumps questions below.
1.What is the default shell of Gaia CLI?
A. Monitor
C. Read-only
D. Bash
Answer: B
2.Which of the following licenses are considered temporary?
A. Perpetual and Trial
B. Plug-and-play and Evaluation
C. Subscription and Perpetual
D. Evaluation and Subscription
Answer: B
3.Where can administrator edit a list of trusted SmartConsole clients in R80?
A. cpconfig on a Security Management Server, in the WebUI logged into a Security Management Server.
B. Only using SmartConsole: Manage and Settings > Permissions and Administrators > Advanced > Trusted Clients.
C. In cpconfig on a Security Management Server, in the WebUI logged into a Security Management Server, in SmartConsole: Manage and Settings>Permissions and Administrators>Advanced>Trusted Clients.
D. WebUI client logged to Security Management Server, SmartDashboard: Manage and Settings>Permissions and Administrators>Advanced>Trusted Clients, via cpconfig on a Security Gateway.
Answer: C
4.Fill in the blanks: In the Network policy layer, the default action for the Implied last rule is ________ all traffic. However, in the Application Control policy layer, the default action is ________ all traffic.
A. Accept; redirect
B. Accept; drop
C. Redirect; drop
D. Drop; accept
Answer: D
5.Vanessa is a Firewall administrator. She wants to test a backup of her company’s production Firewall cluster Dallas_GW. She has a lab environment that is identical to her production environment. She decided to restore production backup via SmartConsole in lab environment. Which details she need to fill in System Restore window before she can click OK button and test the backup?
A. Server, SCP, Username, Password, Path, Comment, Member
B. Server, TFTP, Username, Password, Path, Comment, All Members
C. Server, Protocol, Username, Password, Path, Comment, All Members
D. Server, Protocol, Username, Password, Path, Comment, Member
Answer: C