We all know that CWNA-107 exam has been retired on December 31, 2020, and the new replacement test is CWNA-108 Certified Wireless Network Administrator. CWNA-108 exam is a required test for CWNA certification, which has the ability to describe devices and operations of current WLAN technologies. Before attempting the CWNA CWNA-108 exam, you need to have basic knowledge of networking and TCP/IP, and at least 1 year of work experience with wireless LAN technologies. To prepare Certified Wireless Network Administrator CWNA-108 exam, the following CWNA-108 exam information can help you study the test well.

Certified Wireless Network Administrator CWNA-108 Exam
The CWNA certification is a foundational level wireless LAN certification for the CWNP Program. There are 60 multiple choice/multiple answer in real Certified Wireless Network Administrator CWNA-108 exam, and you have 90 minutes to complete all the questions. The test language is English. You need to pass CWNA CWNA-108 exam at a Pearson Vue Testing Center and pass with a 70% or higher. Instructors must pass with a 80% or higher.
CWNA Certification CWNA-108 Exam Objectives
Certified Wireless Network Administrator CWNA-108 exam objectives cover the following details.
1.0 Radio Frequency (RF) Technologies–15%
2.0 WLAN Regulations and Standards–20%
3.0 WLAN Protocols and Devices–20%
4.0 WLAN Network Architecture and Design Concepts–15%
5.0 WLAN Network Security–10%
6.0 RF Validation–10%
7.0 WLAN Troubleshooting–10%
Practice CWNA-108 Exam Dumps Questions
To test the above CWNA-108 exam objectives, the Certified Wireless Network Administrator CWNA-108 exam dumps questions are your best choice. Share some CWNA certification CWNA-108 exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.An IEEE 802.11 amendment is in the daft state. What impact does this draft amendment have on the 802.11 standard?
A. Devices will be released based on the draft amendment and the draft amendment features are part of the standard.
B. No impact: Until an amendment is ratified, it does not become part of the standard.
C. No impact: Draft amendments do not become part of the standard until a working group is formed.
D. The standard is changed to reflect the new capabilities as soon as an amendment enters the draft stage.
Answer: B
2.You are implementing a VHT-capable AP. Which one of the following channels is available in the 802.11?2016 standard that was not available before the ratification of 802.11 ac?
A. 56
B. 161
C. 153
D. 144
Answer: D
3.What statement is true concerning the use of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation method in IEEE 802.11 WLANs?
A. OFDM implements BPSK modulation to allow for data rates up to 7 Gbps.
B. OFDM was first introduced in 802.11a and is used by the ERP, HT and VHT PHYs as well.
C. OFDM modulation is used only in 5 GHz 802.11 transmissions.
D. OFDM was used by Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) PHY devices.
Answer: B
4.Which IEEE 802.11 physical layer (PHY) specification includes support for and compatibility with both ERP and HR/DSSS?
A. DSSS (802.11-Prime)
B. OFDM (802.11a)
C. HT (802.11n)
D. VHT (802.11ac)
Answer: C
5.An 802.11-based network uses an AP and has several connecting clients. The clients include iPhones, iPads, laptops and one desktop. What WLAN use case is represented?
A. Ad-hoc
Answer: C