Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional exam dumps questions have been cracked, which are valid for you to pass CSSLP test. Earning the globally recognized CSSLP secure software development certification is a proven way to build your career and better incorporate security practices into each phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). To prepare CSSLP exam well, the official CSSLP exam information is helpful in the preparation.

CSSLP Ideal Positions
CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional is ideal for software development and security professionals responsible for applying best practices to each phase of the SDLC–from software design and implementation to testing and deployment–including those in the following positions:
Software Architect
Software Engineer
Software Developer
Application Security Specialist
Software Program Manager
Quality Assurance Tester
Penetration Tester
Software Procurement Analyst
Project Manager
Security Manager
IT Director/Manager
Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional CSSLP Domains
The CSSLP exam evaluates your expertise across eight security domains.
Domain 1.Secure Software Concepts
Domain 2. Secure Software Requirements
Domain 3. Secure Software Architecture and Design
Domain 4. Secure Software Implementation
Domain 5. Secure Software Testing
Domain 6. Secure Software Lifecycle Management
Domain 7. Secure Software Deployment, Operations, Maintenance
Domain 8. Secure Software Supply Chain
Practice CSSLP Exam Dumps Questions
There are 349 Q&As in Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional CSSLP exam dumps questions. After studying all the CSSLP exam dumps questions, you can test all the CSSLP domains. Share some Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional CSSLP exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.Which of the following describes the acceptable amount of data loss measured in time?
A. Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
B. Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
C. Recovery Consistency Objective (RCO)
D. Recovery Time Actual (RTA)
Answer: A
2.Copyright holders, content providers, and manufacturers use digital rights management (DRM) in order to limit usage of digital media and devices.Which of the following security challenges does DRM include? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
A. OTA provisioning
B. Access control
C. Key hiding
D. Device fingerprinting
Answer: ACD
3.Which of the following terms refers to the protection of data against unauthorized access?
A. Integrity
B. Recovery
C. Auditing
D. Confidentiality
Answer: D
4.Which of the following are the responsibilities of a custodian with regard to data in an information classification program? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose three.
A. Performing data restoration from the backups when necessary
B. Running regular backups and routinely testing the validity of the backup data
C. Determining what level of classification the information requires
D. Controlling access, adding and removing privileges for individual users
Answer: ABD
5.Which of the following DoD directives defines DITSCAP as the standard C&A process for the Department of Defense?
A. DoD 8910.1
B. DoD 5200.22-M
C. DoD 8000.1
D. DoD 5200.40
Answer: D