Certified Payroll Professional CPP-Remote Exam Dumps Questions

October 06,2022 10:23 AM
CPP-Remote exam is for those who are taking the Online Proctored exam during the testing window. The Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) is a higher-level certification for experienced professionals with extensive payroll knowledge and a senior role in their organization. With its stringent standards and recertification requirements, CPPs are leaders who maintain current knowledge of payroll law, payroll systems, and industry best practices. We provide the latest Certified Payroll Professional CPP-Remote Exam Dumps Questions, which are valid in the preparation. 
Certified Payroll Professional CPP-Remote Exam Dumps Questions

Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) Exam

The Certification Board of the APA requires that payroll professionals fulfill ONE of the following criteria before they are eligible to take the Certified Payroll Professional Examination.
The payroll professional has been practicing for at least a total of three (3) years out of the five (5) years preceding the date of the examination application. The practice of payroll is defined as direct or related involvement in at least one of the following:

Payroll Production, Payroll Reporting, Payroll Accounting, Payroll Systems, and Payroll Taxation
Payroll Administration
Payroll Education/Consulting

Before a candidate takes the CPP examination, the payroll professional has been employed in the practice of payroll as defined in Criteria 1 for at least the last 24 months, and has completed within the last 24 months.

Before a candidate takes the CPP examination, the payroll professional has been employed in the practice of payroll as defined in Criteria 1, for at least the last 18 months, has obtained the FPC designation, and has completed within the last 18 months.

Certified Payroll Professional CPP-Remote Exam

Number of Questions: 190 multiple-choice questions, including twenty five (25) that are pre-test questions.
Duration: 4 hours


I Core Payroll Concepts 24%
II Compliance / Research and Resources 16%
III Calculation of the Paycheck 20%
IV Payroll Process and Supporting Systems and Administration 12%
V Payroll Administration and Management 10%
VI Audits 9%
VII Accounting 9%

Practice Certified Payroll Professional CPP-Remote Exam Dumps Questions

1. Which of the following sets of data should be maintained on the payroll master file?
A.Primary physician's name, and phone number
B.Name, address, occupation
C.Next of kin relationship
D.Children's names and birth dates
Answer: B

2. Which of the following is an example of a system production control technique?
A.The payroll manager periodically distributes paychecks
B.Balances in liability
C.Payroll journal entries are approved by the finance manager
D.A calendar is maintained for payroll run dates
Answer: D

3. The KEY difference between user guides and payroll policies and procedures is:
A.User guides focus on tasks associated with automated tools.
B.Payroll policies and procedures set company policies and standards.
C.User guides help payroll personnel interpret company policy.
D.Payroll policies and procedures permit human resources to design new compensation and benefits programs.
Answer: A

4. In keeping with internal control best practices, which of the following would probably not be included in the job description of a payroll specialist?
A.Verifying proper authorization appears on change documents
B.Reconciling payroll bank account
C.Preparing requisition for remitting child support deductions
D.Entering employee tax jurisdiction information from Form W-4
Answer: B

5. What is one of the major considerations when evaluating and selecting a software system for payroll?
A.The sale's representative's knowledge of payroll
B.The arrangement of the panels for on-line data entry
C.The number of trainers the software has available
D.The fit of the technical platform with the company's strategic plans
Answer: D
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