CRMA Certification IIA-CRMA Exam Dumps

January 05,2021 01:48 AM

Latest CRMA certification IIA-CRMA exam dumps have been cracked, which will be the best guides for you to prepare the test. The Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) focuses on the key elements to unlocking internal audit’s full potential, and validates one’s ability to provide advice and assurance on risk management to audit committees and executive management. I also collected some CRMA exam information for you to study the test. 

CRMA Certification IIA-CRMA Exam Dumps

IIA-CRMA Exam Syllabus

The CRMA exam includes two sections: Part 1 of the CIA  exam and a separate CRMA exam.
Number of Questions: 100
Duration: 2 hours
Note: Candidates who have already passed Part 1 of the CIA exam may advance directly to the CRMA core exam, having fulfilled that eligibility requirement.

Certification in Risk Management Assurance CRMA Exam Domains

Certification in Risk Management Assurance CRMA exam domains cover the following sections. 
Domain I: Organizational governance related to risk management (25-30%)
Domain II: Principles of risk management processes (25-30%)
Domain III: Assurance role of the Internal Auditor (20-25%)
Domain IV: Consulting role of the Internal Auditor (20-25%)

Practice IIA-CRMA Exam Dumps

There are 283 Q&As in the new cracked Certification in Risk Management Assurance CRMA exam dumps, which can help you test all the above domains. Share some IIA CRMA exam dumps questions below.
1.Which of the following is the best way to detect fraud?
A. Conduct anti-fraud training.
B. Perform background investigations.
C. Implement process controls.
D. Activate a whistleblower hotline.
Answer: D

2.According to The IIA's Code of Ethics, which of the following actions violates the principle of confidentiality?
A. Accepting a consulting request in the IT department without possessing the requisite experience.
B. Providing personal tax preparation services for a fee for several employees during the lunch hour.
C. Providing a friend with the marketing strategic plan, which she will use to prepare her university thesis.
D. Agreeing to reword an observation to avoid the client complaining directly to the auditor's supervisor.
Answer: C

3.Which of the following items should the chief audit executive disclose to senior management regarding the results of the internal audit activity's quality assessments?
A. The internal audit activity's plan for resource allocation.
B. The amount of the organization's potential loss prevented by the risk-based auditing of the internal audit activity.
C. The number of audits from the annual internal audit plan that were completed last year.
D. The qualifications and independence of the assessment Team.
Answer: B

4.Non-statistical sampling does not require which of the following?
A. The sample to be representative of the population.
B. The sample to be selected haphazardly.
C. A smaller sample size than if selected using statistical sampling.
D. Projecting the results to the population.
Answer: C

5.According to IIA guidance, which of the following statements is true when an internal auditor performs consulting services that improve an organization's operations?
A. The services must be aligned with those defined in the internal audit charter.
B. The services must not be performed by the same internal auditor who performed assurance services, in order to maintain objectivity.
C. The services may preclude assurance services from the consulting engagement.
D. The services impose no responsibility to communicate information other than to the engagement client.
Answer: B
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IIA-CRMA DumpsQ&A: 283 Updated: March 12,2025
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