Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution CLTD exam dumps have been released, which are valuable for you to prepare CLTD test. APICS CLTD exam certification can prove an in-depth understanding of how to streamline logistics, transportation and distribution, including order, inventory and warehouse management. To pass APICS certification CLTD exam easily, the official CLTD exam information, content and dumps are valuable in the preparation.

APICS CLTD Exam Information
Study the following APICS CLTD exam information, you can understand the test well.
Number of questions: 150 questions (130 operational and 20 pretest)
Duration: 3.5 hours
Passing Score: 300 (200-350)
Note: Pretest questions do not contribute to the total score but are necessary for statistical purposes only and are randomly distributed throughout the exam. Candidates should answer all exam questions.
CLTD APICS Exam Topics
CLTD Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution exam topics cover the following sections.
Module 1: Logistics Overview and Strategy
Module 2: Logistics Network Design
Module 3: Sustainability and Reverse Logistics
Module 4: Capacity Planning and Demand Management
Module 5: Order Management
Module 6: Inventory Management
Module 7: Warehouse Management
Module 8: Transportation
Module 9: Global Logistics
Practice APICS CLTD Exam Dumps Questions
There are 150 Q&As in our APICS CLTD exam dumps questions, which can help you test all the above topics. After you study all the CLTD exam dumps questions, you can prepare and pass the test in the first attempt. Share some APICS certification CLTD exam dumps questions below.
1.A logistics manager seeks total integration of components that are essential to achieve stated objectives. Which of the following frameworks would be best to implement?
A. System concepts and analysis
B. Total cost of ownership (TCO)
C. Lean six sigma concepts
D. Network inventory cost minimization
Answer: A
2.The task that best describes the value proposition offered by freight forwarders is that they:
A. act as agents for domestic firms in international markets, primarily obtaining orders for their clients’ products.
B. export goods and services and locates overseas buyers on their clients’ behalf.
C. consolidate shipments from various customers and offer lower transportation rates.
D. operate under power of attorney from the shipper to pay all import duties and are ultimately liable for unpaid duties.
Answer: A
3.Stockout frequency refers to:
A. the probability that a firm will not have inventory available to meet customer orders.
B. a single event where a firm will not have inventory available to meet customer orders.
C. the cost of sales that a firm will have when insufficient inventory is available to meet customer orders.
D. the percentage of days in which inventory necessary to meet customer orders is missing.
Answer: A
4.Which of the following modes of transportation is typically associated with detention charges?
A. Rail
B. Water
C. Pipeline
D. Truck
Answer: B
5.Which of the following theories is illustrated in the list below?
Stage 1: A new product is created to fill a domestic need and produced locally.
Stage 3: The newly created product is offered to international customers.
Stage 4: International customers develop expertise and offer the product at a lower cost to the original country.
A. International product life cycle theory
B. Porter’s cluster theory
C. Sheffi’s logistics cluster theory
D. Theory of Comparative Advantage
Answer: A