CEH V10 312-50v10 Exam Dumps have been Updated!

January 09,2019 03:18 AM

News for candidates who want to earn C|EH V10 certification, 312-50v10 exam dumps updated version is available. A few days ago, one of our customers came to our website to say that ECcouncil has changed 312-50v10 practical exam. Many new questions are available. Now, we have cracked C|EH v10 312-50v10 exam dumps updated version. With our ECcouncil 312-50v10 exam dumps updated version, you can pass the test successfully. 


312-50v10 exam dumps have been updated


In our following article, we have introduced the differences between 312-50v9 and 312-50v10 exams.

What Is The Difference Between CEH V9 312-50v9 And CEH V10 312-50v10?

The C|EH exam is ANSI compliant, earning with that the respect and trust of employers globally. The C|EH (Practical) is a 6 hours practical exam built to exacting specifications by subject matter experts in the EH field. With C|EH v10 certification in hand, you can find a job with high salary. 

Share some C|EH v10 312-50v10 exam dumps below for you to check the quality. 

1.Which of the following statements regarding ethical hacking is incorrect?

A. An organization should use ethical hackers who do not sell vendor hardware/software or other consulting services

B. Ethical hackers should never use tools or methods that have the potential of exploiting vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems

C. Ethical hacking should not involve writing to or modifying the target systems.

D. Testing should be remotely performed offsite.

Answer: B


2.A common cryptographical tool is the use of XOR. XOR the following binary values: 10110001 00111010

A. 10011101

B. 10001011

C. 10111100

D. 11011000

Answer: B


3.Why containers are less secure that virtual machine?

A. Host OS on containers has a larger surface attack.

B. Containers are attached to the same virtual network.

C. Containers may fulfill disk space of the host.

D. A compromise container may cause a CPU starvation of the host.

Answer: D


4.Which of the following is a component of a risk assessment?

A. Administrative safeguards

B. Physical security

C. Logical interface


Answer: A


5.Which of the following is the structure designed to verify and authenticate the identity of individuals within the enterprise taking part in a data exchange?



C. biometrics

D. single sign on

Answer: A

We promise, our C|EH v10 312-50v10 exam dumps updated version can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail, we will refund full payment fee to you. 

312-50v10 Exam Dumps PDF & SOFT | 1 Year Free Update | Money Back Guarantee
312-50v10 DumpsQ&A: 329 Updated: March 30,2025
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