BTA Certified Blockchain Security Professional CBSP exam dumps questions are available, which will be your best choice to prepare the test. CBSP exam is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in Blockchain Security. For current cybersecurity professionals this exam demonstrates your knowledge in an emerging space. To prepare Blockchain certification CBSP exam well, the related CBSP exam information is also helpful in the preparation.

About Blockchain CBSP Exam
Exam Cost: $250 USD
Number of Questions: 70 Questions
Pass Score: 70%
Time Allotted: 90 minutes to complete exam
Exam Language: English
Blockchain CBSP Exam Topics
Blockchain CBSP exam topics can help you test the following sections.
Fundamental Blockchain Security
Consensus in the Blockchain
Advanced Blockchain Security Mechanisms
Smart Contract Security
Blockchain Risk Assessment
Basic Blockchain Security
Blockchain for Business
Securely Implementing Business Blockchains
Network-Level Vulnerabilities and Attacks
System-Level Vulnerabilities and Attacks
Smart Contract Vulnerabilities and Attacks
Security of Alternative DLT Architectures
Practice Blockchain CBSP Exam Dumps Questions
Blockchain CBSP exam dumps questions can help you test all the above topics. Share some Blockchain CBSP exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.Which of the following blockchains uses a channel-focused architectural design?
A. Ethereum
B. Corda
C. Hyperledger
Answer: B
2.Which of the following smart contract vulnerabilities can cause a smart contract's balances ledger to become incorrect? Select all that apply
A. Arithmetic
B. Unchecked Return Values
C. Race Condition
D. Reentrancy
Answer: B,C,D
3.Which of the following does NOT rely on the security of public key cryptography?
A. Stealth Address
B. Confidential Transaction
C. Ring Signature
D. Zero-Knowledge Proof
Answer: D
4.A major advantage of a stale channel is that it provides a permanent means of transferring value between two parties.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
5.Which of the following blockchains separates transaction validation and ordering of transactions in blocks into separate steps?
A. Hyperledger
B. Ethereum
C. Corda
D. All of the above
Answer: A