Associate Protection Professional ASIS-APP Exam Dumps Questions

December 09,2022 09:00 AM
Associate Protection Professional ASIS-APP exam dumps questions have been cracked, which can make sure you pass the test easily. The Associate Protection Professional (APP) designation is intended for those with 1-4 years of security management experience. The exam measures the professional's knowledge of security management fundamentals, business operations, risk management, and response management. Those who earn the APP are ASIS board certified in security management fundamentals. All the other ASIS-APP exam information is valuable in the preparation. 
Associate Protection Professional ASIS-APP Exam Dumps Questions

Associate Protection Professional ASIS-APP Exam

The APP examination consists of 100 scored multiple-choice questions and may also contain 25 randomly distributed pre-test (unscored) questions for a total of up to 125 questions. The exam is 2 hours long and takes into consideration the review of pre-test items. The Associate Protection Professional (APP) designation is intended for those with 1-3 years of security management experience. The exam will measure the professional's knowledge of security management fundamentals, business operations, risk management &response management.

ASIS Certifications ASIS-APP Exam Topics

ASIS Certifications ASIS-APP exam topics cover the following details. 
Security Management Fundamentals      35%
Business Operations        22%
Risk Management        25%
Response Management         18%

Practice Associate Protection Professional ASIS-APP Exam Dumps

ASIS Certifications ASIS-APP exam dumps questions can help you study the above ASIS-APP exam topics. Share some Associate Protection Professional ASIS-APP exam dumps questions below. 
1. What are the three primary functions of a physical protection system (PPS)?
A. Detection Delay Response
B. Assess Report Response
C. Record Deny Respond
D. Identify Deny Respond
Answer: A

2. What is the vulnerability assessments team’s primary job as it pertains to a physical protection system (PPS)?
A. To determine security system effectiveness.
B. To secure a site
C. To record system violations
D. To determine the alarm response ratio
Answer: A

3. What is the goal of a vulnerability assessment?
A. To identify physical protection system (PPS) components in the functional areas of site security and to gather data to estimate site performance against particular threats.
B. To identify physical protection system (PPS) components in the functional areas of entry and access and to gather data to estimate their performance against particular threats.
C. To identify physical protection system (PPS) components in the functional areas of detection, delay and response and to gather data to estimate their performance against particular threats.
D. To identify physical protection system (PPS) components in the functional areas of emergency management and business continuity and to gather data to estimate their performance against particular threats.
Answer: C

4. What are the two basic analytical approaches to a risk assessment?
A. Compliance based and Descriptive
B. Quantitively and Qualative
C. Metrics and Graphical
D. Compliance based Performance based
Answer: D

5. What is the difference between asset protection and security?
A. Assets protection includes all security functions, as well as related functions such as investigations, legal oversight, risk management, safety, compliance, and emergency management.
B. Assets protection includes only physical security related functions.
C. Assets protection includes all security functions, as well as related functions such as investigations, risk management, safety, human resources, compliance, and emergency management.
D. Assets protection includes all security functions, as well as related functions such as investigations, risk management, safety, compliance, and emergency management.
Answer: D
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