Aruba Data Center Network Specialist Exam HPE2-W09 dumps questions have been cracked, which are valid for you to prepare for the test and can help you test that a candidate has the skills and knowledge to design, implement, and configure complex data center solutions based on the Aruba AOS CX Switches. HP certification HPE2-W09 exam is designed for Aruba partners, customers and employees who have a minimum of 3 years of experience implementing and designing enterprise-level networks.

HP Certification HPE2-W09 Exam
HP certification HPE2-W09 exam information is available below.
HPE2-W09 Aruba Data Center Network Specialist Exam Topics
HPE2-W09 Aruba Data Center Network Specialist Exam topics cover the following sections.
Architecture 28%
Understand the components of the ArubaOS-CX Switching architecture
Describe common data center networking requirements
Describe the benefits of VSX for a data center networking environment and implement VSX
Describe data center network design principles, including data center deployment models and the impact of various data center
technologies on design
Configuration 62%
Understand, describe and configure VRF
Understand, describe and configure VXLAN functionality
Understand, describe and configure EVPN to transport VXLAN thru the datacenter
Understand, describe and configure Datacenter Bridging (DCB)
Understand, describe and configure Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS)
Understand how to use NetEdit to simplify ArubaOS-CX device configuration
Troubleshooting 10%
Understand how to use the ArubaOS-CX Network Analytics Engine (NAE) to enhance monitoring and troubleshooting
Practice HP Certification HPE2-W09 Exam Dumps Questions
HP certification HPE2-W09 exam dumps questions can help you study the above Aruba Data Center Network Specialist Exam topics. Share some HP certification HPE2-W09 exam dumps questions and answers below.
1.You plan to use multi-protocol BGP to implement dynamic VRF route leaking on an ArubaOS-CX switch. Is this a rule for the setup?
Solution: You cannot leak multicast routes.
A. No
B. Yes
Answer: A
2. You plan to use multi-protocol BGP to implement dynamic VRF route leaking on an ArubaOS-CX switch. Is this a rule for the setup?
Solution: You can only leak routes between up to three VRFs.
A. No
B. Yes
Answer: B
3. Can you attach this type of ArubaOS-CX interface to a VRF?
Solution: A loopback interface
A. No
B. Yes
Answer: B
4. Is this a guideline for establishing a Virtual Switching Extension (V5X) Inter-Switch Link (ISL) between two ArubaOS-CX switches?
Solution: Use the same speed on every link In the ISL.
A. No
B. Yes
Answer: B
5. Is this part of a valid strategy for load sharing traffic across the links in an Ethernet Ring Protection Switching IERPS) solution?
Solution: Implement Virtual Switching Extension (VSX) on pairs of ERPS switches at the same site.
A. No
B. Yes
Answer: A