To earn an NCCA-accredited ACE Certification, you must pass the ACE Certification Exam. The exam is specific to the ACE Certification you seek. We have cracked the latest ACE Personal Trainer exam dumps, which are the best material for you to study the test. I collected the related ACE Personal Trainer exam information from the official website, which is helpful for you to have a good command of the test.

ACE Personal Trainer Exam Requirements
1.Must be at least 18 years old at time of registration
2.Must hold an adult CPR and AED certificate with live skills check. Online CPR/AED courses not accepted. *AED only required in USA and Canada
3.Must present a current government-issued photo ID with signature (driver's license, passport, military ID)
4.Must have completed high school (or the equivalent)
5.Must register at least 10 days prior to the exam date of your choice. Special accommodation exams require registration at least 15-30 days prior to the requested exam date.
ACE Personal Trainer Exam Information
The aim of the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer Certification examination is to evaluate if individuals have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform tasks that are critical for safe and competent practice as ACE Certified Personal Trainers. ACE Personal Trainer has competency-based assessments comprised of multiple-choice exams, with 125 scored items and 25 experimental items that make up the entire credentialing exam. Candidates are given three hours to complete an ACE Certification Exam.
ACE Personal Trainer Exam Domains
ACE Personal Trainer exam domains cover the following sections.
Domain I: Interviews and Implementation 31%
Domain II: Program Design and Implementation 31%
Domain III: Program Modification and Progression 26%
Domain IV: Professional Conduct, Safety, and Risk Management 20%
Practice ACE Personal Trainer Exam Dumps Questions
ACE Personal Trainer exam dumps questions can help you test the above domains. There are 274 Q&As in the ACE Personal Trainer exam dumps. Share some American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Traniner (PT) ACE Personal Trainer exam dumps questions below.
1.What is the Body Mass Index of a 21-year-old female who Is 5'2" (1.58 m) and 132 pounds (60 kg)?
A. 22
B. 27
C. 24
D. 20
Answer: C
2.During follow-up assessments, the client, a runner who has performed poorly in recent sessions, indicates symptoms of irritability and interrupted sleep patterns. These could be symptoms of which of the following?
A. Poor nutrition
B. Lack of motivation
C. Overtraining
D. Poor program design
Answer: D
3.What advice should an ACE certified Personal Trainer give to outdoor boot camp participants in order to remain safe as the temperatures decrease and wind chills Increase?
A. Wear several layers of clothing, allow for adequate ventilation of sweat, and drink plenty of water.
B. Wear clothing made of cotton, allow for adequate ventilation of sweat, and reduce fluid intake.
C. Keep the head covered, choose clothing that blocks the wind and reduce fluid Intake.
D. Wear several layers of clothing, avoid synthetic materials, and drink ample amounts of warm fluids.
Answer: D
4.A client is planning a weekend ski trip at a high altitude and would like to maximize time on the slopes. Which of the following is the BEST recommendation?
A. "In order to acclimate to the altitude quickly, plan to ski as soon as you arrive.''
B. "To lessen the effects of altitude sickness, attempt the largest hills at the beginning of your ski trip."
C. "Allow your body to gradually acclimate by waiting until the day after arrival to begin skiing."
D. "To adjust to the higher altitudes more efficiently, keep breaks to a minimum."
Answer: C
5.The spouse of a client calls the ACE certified Personal Trainer to find out how close the client is to achieving a 20 lb (9 0 kg) weight-loss goal. The spouse wants to plan a reward for the client once the goal is achieved. Which response by the trainer would be MOST appropriate?
A. Notify the spouse that the client is close to achieving the goal, and that a reward at this time would be a better motivator.
B. Explain that questions regarding the client's fitness results must be directed to the client.
C. Explain that the client already has established rewards and that additional rewards may impact goal attainment.
D. Explain that no information can be disclosed over the phone, but that the client's mid-assessment evaluation can be mailed.
Answer: A