ACA Cloud Native Certification is a technical certification designed for lT technicians who are using Cloud Native related products on Alibaba Cloud. We have cracked the latest ACA Cloud Native Certification Exam ACA-CloudNative dumps, which can guarantee you pass the test easily. ACA Cloud Native Certification is intended for Alibaba Cloud Native architects. I also collected ACA-CloudNative exam information for you to prepare the test.
The new cracked ACA-CloudNative exam dumps questions can help you test all the above topics. Share some ACA Cloud Native Certification Exam ACA-CloudNative dumps questions and answers below.
1.When we use beats to collect Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes data, to what level should we deploy it?
A. Deployment
B. DeamonSet
C. Sidecar
D. StatefulSet
Answer: B
2.Which services can also be used for register cluster? (The number of correct answer: 3)
A. Logservice
C. ARMS-Prometheus
D. Cloud Monitor
Answer: A,C,D
3.Which methods can be used to replicate images from other registries? (Number of correct answers: 2) Score 2
A. Image-sync tool for Registry v2 based services
B. Import images based on a storage endpoint
C. P2P based large scale image distribution
D. Policy based global distribution
Answer: A,B
4.Which of the following dashboards are provided by Log Service by default? (Number of correct answers: 4) Score 2
A. Ingress Access Center
B. Kubernetes Event Center
C. Ingress Exception Center
D. Ingress Monitoring Center for Blue/Green Deployment
E. Infrastructure Resource Usage Monitoring
Answer: A,B,C,D
5.Which of the following are correct ways to generate a Log Service ingress dashboard? (Number of correct answers: 2) Score 2
A. When creating an Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster, an ingress dashboard can be installed at creation time.
B. LogStore can be installed via app catalog.
C. The Logtail-ds component can be installed by using
Answer: B,C