Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices v3.0 is the new replacement test of 640-692 exam, which has been retired. If you want to earn Cisco CCT Routing and Switching certification, you need to pass 100-490 RSTECH exam now. To prepare Cisco certification 100-490 RSTECH exam well, you need to study the official Cisco CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH exam related information and dumps questions.
![[640-692 Retired] New Cisco 100-490 RSTECH Exam Dumps [640-692 Retired] New Cisco 100-490 RSTECH Exam Dumps](
Study 100-490 RSTECH Exam Information
100-490 RSTECH Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices v3.0 is a 90-minute, 60-70 question exam associated with Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching certification. You need to register Cisco CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH exam at Pearson VUE test center. Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching certification focuses on the skills required for onsite support and maintenance of Cisco routers, switches, and operating environments.
Learn Cisco 100-490 RSTECH Topics
Cisco CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH exam topics cover the following sections.
Practice Cisco Certification 100-490 RSTECH Exam Dumps
Cisco certification 100-490 RSTECH exam dumps can help you test the above topics. With all the Cisco CCT Routing and Switching 100-490 RSTECH exam dumps, you can pass the test in the first attempt.