Administration Essentials for New Admins ADM-201 exam dumps have been updated, which are valuable for you to pass ADM-201 test. The Salesforce Administrator ADM-201 exam is designed for individuals who have experience with Salesforce and continuously look for ways to assist their companies in getting even more from additional features and capabilities. To prepare Salesforce ADM-201 exam well, the official ADM-201 exam information, topics and exam dumps questions are valuable in the preparation.

About Salesforce ADM-201 Exam
The Salesforce ADM-201 exam covers the breadth of applications, the features and functions available to an end user, and the configuration and management options available to an administrator across the Sales, Service, and Collaboration Clouds.
Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 5 non-scored questions
Time allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes
Passing score: 65%
Registration fee: USD 200
Retake fee: USD 100
Salesforce ADM-201 Exam Outline
Salesforce certification ADM-201 exam outline cover the following content.
Organizational Setup 3%
User Setup 7%
Security and Access 13%
Standard and Custom Objects 14%
Sales and Marketing Applications 14%
Service and Support Applications 13%
Activity Management and Collaboration 3%
Data Management 10%
Analytics—Reports and Dashboards 10%
Workflow/Process Automation 8%
Desktop and Mobile Administration 3%
AppExchange 2%
Practice Salesforce Certification ADM-201 Exam Dumps
Salesforce certification ADM-201 exam dumps updated version contain 175 questions and answers. To test all the above Salesforce certification ADM-201 exam outline, the updated Administration Essentials for New Admins ADM-201 exam dumps are the best material. Share some Salesforce certification ADM-201 exam dumps questions below.
1.What should a system administrator use to disable an application for a group of users?
A. Sharing Rules
B. Web tabs
C. Page layouts
D. Profiles
E. Roles
Answer: D
2.To prevent a user from logging into the Salesforce org outside normal business hours, the System Administrator would do this in:
A. The user record
B. The user's profile record
C. Network settings
D. The role hierarchy
E. None of the above
Answer: B
3.If a user tries to login outside the IP range specified in their profile, the result will be.
A. They will be logged in as normal
B. They will have to reset their password
C. They will be prompted to activate their computer
D. They will be denied access
E. None of the above
Answer: D
4.When a user logs in the first time to Salesforce, the following takes place (Choose all that apply.)
A. A cookie is placed in the browser
B. Pop ups are automatically disabled
C. Their IP address is added to a trusted list
D. They are prompted to answer a security question
Answer: AC
5.The system administrator needs to prevent telesales teams from logging into Salesforce outside of the office. How will he/she do this?
A. There is not way to do this
B. Setup | Security Controls | Network Access and specify the team's range of IP addresses
C. Add the range of IP addresses to the team's profile(s)
D. Contact as this feature must be enabled
Answer: C